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Nils Teodor

56 years old from Sweden

Archive - September - 2011

End of seeking (1) - 2011-09-01
The Big Bang - 2011-09-02
The light and its colours (1) - 2011-09-04
Only now (4) - 2011-09-05
Reason rests and love dances (2) - 2011-09-09
The winged life (1) - 2011-09-10
Beyond fear - 2011-09-12
Life simply is (2) - 2011-09-14
The kiss of the Ocean - 2011-09-17
The dawn of understanding (1) - 2011-09-18
The empty Heart of fullness - 2011-09-19
The eternal Rose (3) - 2011-09-21
The Spirit of the One (2) - 2011-09-23
The mystery of experiencing (1) - 2011-09-26
The joy of not-knowing (1) - 2011-09-27
The Heart of life (2) - 2011-09-30