MORE DETAILS   |   ∘  [4 Feb-05 Jul] - Website: Progress Journal (Update 5)

MORE DETAILS   |   ∘  [01 Jul 2021] - Community poll | Posting limit? (HOLD)

July 2024

Hi everyone, for more information, please read the updates above.

Editorial Team (requires login)


Editors' Dashboard | Create a few more practical functions to make updates of the home page easier to manage for the volunteer editors; Create a few more admin tools and their menu tabs; Brush up the final layout (02 Jul 21) 01 May 22 HOLD
Community poll | Conclusion must be postponed while we convert our files to the new framework. (19 Aug 21) 01 May 22 HOLD
Website maintenance | Restructure code file system and code's foundational setup to clean up for consistency, efficiency, and making future developments more manageable [this is part of our site's code cleanup phase - see Update 2] (13 Feb) 01 Jul 24 HOLD
Framework setup (FS) | Establish a consistent and organized naming convention of our variables in our code, and replace our current variable names with the new naming convention. (13 Feb) 01 Jul HOLD
Framework setup (FS) | Reorganize our code into proper sections; Make sure functions are all written as efficiently as possible and there are no redundancy or clarity issues left. (13 Feb) 01 Jul HOLD
FI-1 | First stage of all files' conversions to the new framework's website cache, pagination, alerts, Supporter account features vs general features and disabled accounts managements & variable naming convention (FI → Framework Implementation) (13 Feb) 01 Jul HOLD
Remove the clutter of procedural code in the pages' structure/style files and place those bits where it makes more sense to put them. (02 May) 01 Jul HOLD
FI-2 | Convert the files for the sections My Page and Poet Home to the new framework structure. (13 Feb) 01 Jul HOLD

In progress / Monitoring: Currently working on it / Currently monitoring   ☐
Hold: Temporary break / To be done later   ☰
DONE: Work completed   ✔


Write more detailed checks where validation is required; Improve the new management of menus as well as alerts or custom messages for pages that have no records yet (ex. applauds, bookmarks, friends, etc); Improve the new management of pagination and accounts (deleted, disabled, Supporter & standard accounts) (02 May) 13 May 22 DONE
FS-1 | Create and organize sections for our code files; Edit the files to reflect the changes [3 sections completed, which gives us our framework's files setup that we'll be using as our initial model to convert the rest] 03 Jun 21 DONE
FS-2 | Finish restructuring and editing the current handling of exceptions for better coherence [clearest error logging possible is an indispensable programmer's tool] 05 Jun 21 DONE
FS-4 : Editors' Dashboard | Remove unused code and menu tabs from this section; Make it more functional and user-friendly; Create additional practical website admin tools and their menu tabs; Display dashboard link on volunteer editors' account 07 Jun 21 DONE
FS-3 | Remove and rewrite the current way the website's cache is being managed for better real-time synchronization of the actions and stats (ex. message read in the sent box or number of reads of a text, etc.), and for better consistency which will simplify its management 04 Jul 21 DONE
FS-5 | Structure and organize a more consistent and concise management of the website alert messages 04 Jul 21 DONE
FS-6 | Structure and organize a more consistent and concise management of the website pagination 21 Jul 21 DONE
FS-7 | Structure and organize a more consistent and concise management of the Supporter account features vs general features and disabled accounts 21 Jul 21 DONE

General Community posts :

Community posts on the PoetBay rescue phase (Sep 2019 - Jan 2021):

Community posts on the PoetBay code cleanup phase (Feb 2021 - now):