We need the wider community's position on this long-standing matter before making a decision on how best to resolve it. Thanks!
[01 Jul] - Community poll | Posting limit? (HOLD)
01 July
Hi everyone,
At the current moment, there are no specific rules concerning posting behavior on our site. There is a general limit of 5 poems/hr for everyone (for server performance control).
However, there's a long-standing matter we occasionally come up against whenever new members arrive (not their fault; they don't know). They're often understandably very eager to share their works, and so end up inadvertently 'flooding' the main public lists of posts on the Home page and Today's Texts page with their poems.
This has for effect of saturating the space and bumping other authors' work out of view very quickly.
We know when this kind of situation occurs, it makes a lot of people unhappy. It's been expressed to us many times by quite a few members that this behavior is primarily received as an excessive one and as a lack of consideration for others.
As most of you know, we're not crazy on imposing blanket rules just to cater for a few. We always hope people will make their own good judgement and in time naturally suss how the vast majority on the site isn't posting their works in that manner -- even if the site has been designed by the original creator to allow serial postings.
But since we don't make our community's flow explicitly clear anywhere -- except for a gently suggestive newcomer's tip box displayed on the Write Text page for 2 weeks -- we feel it's time to outline specifications about the community's preferences as concerns this particular recurring matter in order to put in place a resolution. At the moment, our hands are a little tied to say anything without having any specific rule or established consensus in existence.
We'd like to know your thoughts or suggestions to help us determine the best way to resolve this kind of situation. PoetBay is your space and it's really important to us that whatever we put in place reflects your ethos and wishes as a community. Our hope here is to check the wider community's current pulse, so to speak, about this kind of occurrence before making any decision.
What is your position on this matter?
Should there only be a rule on excessive postings to facilitate
the handling of the few instances when they happen?
Should there be a more restricted hourly posting limit?
Should there be a daily posting limit?
If so, what would be a reasonable limit in your view?
Thanks for your participation! We highly value your input as we rely on it to make these types of decisions for PoetBay.
PS: Public comments, private messages, and emails are all welcome. And as customary, we'll be taking the take time to fully consider all feedback as well as figure out our best options, and we'll be posting the result of the poll once concluded.
Words by Editorial Team
Read 748 times
Written on 2021-07-02 at 00:00
Tags Community  Poll  Discussion 
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