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Liam35 years old from Scotland |
MY TEXTS, Archive 67 Texts
Too easily offended... (1) - 2024-09-26
The Fight for the right to fight, apparently... (1) - 2024-09-26
What if?... (2) - 2024-09-23
Never mind... (2) - 2024-09-21
Pot and kettle? (1) - 2024-09-19
Punishment to fit the crime... - 2024-09-11
Another days work... (2) - 2021-09-10
Hidden behind the smiles - 2021-06-25
The lie of being me (1) - 2021-06-24
No excuses... (1) - 2021-05-14
A Planet that will mourn (Ekphrastic poem challenge). (1) - 2021-03-16
Mother - 2021-03-14
A sign of the Times (2) - 2021-03-08
A dose of your own medicine? Perhaps. - 2021-02-01
Another year of woe? (2) - 2021-01-01
Hold on to your dreams... (1) - 2020-12-21
To a Cat... (3) - 2020-12-17
A view from the window... (2) - 2020-12-17
Postcard from the edge... (5) - 2020-11-30
Waiting, and watching. - 2020-09-27
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