Feeling down
2025-01-19 An interesting write and insight to getting older and the minds workings.
Idling Downtown
2025-01-19 It would seem Marx too confused ones want from ones need.
The rich want more while the poor need more. Don't we all?
An interesting observation as always.
Thanks for sharing.
Winter Went
2025-01-19 Beautifully descriptive writing that ends with the reader wanting more.
Thank you for sharing.
Cease Fire? Are You Kidding?
2025-01-17 Only the man with no friends can truly know his enemy. Hand shakes and backslaps won't stop the killing.
Short and to the point. A fine write, thank you.
new day
2025-01-17 A succinct Haiku;
With perhaps a hidden meaning?
Nice write, thanks for posting.
The door stays open
2025-01-13 Another excellent piece from you. Thank you.
To Sir, with Love
2025-01-13 What a beautiful text. What an absolutely beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing this with us.
A Sad Story
2025-01-13 A windfall is so easily blown but hard earned cash is the binding that keeps us solvent (Just about).
Another fine piece from you, thanks for sharing.
Do automatons have a cybernetic soul
2025-01-09 Nice to read and somehow, connect. If I may, this has triggered my own thoughts on a similar vein and I would care to mention that in my posting.
Thank you for sharing,
2025-01-05 We bestow greatness upon them but they know not the power of peace.
A deep and thought provoking text, thanks for sharing.
Facing January
2025-01-05 Birds do it, whales do it, even Monarch butterflies do it! Lets do it, lets find somewhere warm. Then we can complain about the heat!
An interesting observation as per usual from you. Thanks
2024-12-18 In life there may always be a God but only in death will the truth be known.
A fine write, thanks for sharing.
2024-12-11 More than people do?
But that would make your last couplet a 3 line stanza, sorry lol
2024-11-09 dark clouds may gather, both sides of the pond.
Thanks for sharing your text. Although brief, It said so much more.
2024-11-08 When your plate is half empty and your stomach is half full ;-)
interesting write, thank you for sharing.
Your Heart
2024-10-07 You cracked it! well done.
Language Laws in Québec
2024-09-28 interesting thoughts and narrative.
I see such similarity with Scotland and its own desires that clouds the waters with misunderstanding.
Separatism is not independence but is confused as such.
Thanks for sharing.
Feeling Optimistic
2024-09-23 Hope it works out for you.
Burning With Songs, March 1977
2024-09-23 In your own inimitable way you raise a good point.
Well written and thanks for sharing.
Short Work
2024-09-19 Careful written words
Gave thought to this readers mind
Neat use of Haiku
I enjoyed this.
Poet bay
2023-05-03 Hi Sona, We have not gone away but continue to read the writing of others and, where the mood allows, comment on some.
But like each changing season, the mood of the Bay also differs from one to the next. Perhaps not in such regular rotation. At the moment it seems that we are in the autumnal phase and members have fallen like the leaves and then into a winter of cold silences. Hopefully, like climate change, things will warm up more than expected and we will once more be caught in the bright glow of talents on show.
2022-04-10 How old does one need to be to become an aunty or uncle?
As one that is rapidly approaching the end of my 30's I will never know the pleasure of being an uncle nor my partner, an aunt. Something that I will always regret, in more ways than one.
But for what it is worth, when I see someone of more years than me, I see someone who has lived through the experiences of life that I have yet to sample and yes, the mistakes I have yet to make.
When I see someone with grey hair (regardless of age) I see the small fortune my partner paid to have the platinum look imposed upon her normally blonde tresses.
When I speak to an "older" colleague I see (and hear) knowledge and wisdom beyond my years and I am thankful that they choose to share that with me.
So, do I discriminate against the older person? Perhaps not, but I do resent them. They have lived their life thus far and hopefully enjoyed the journey. They will tell me to be careful of those life's mistakes I am bound to make, if I have not already done so and acknowledge my "youthful" know-it-all shrugs with a gentle knowing smile.
Yes it is wrong to discriminate on ANY grounds and the rules on having to be this or that by a certain age are thankfully long gone.
For what its worth, my own "Aunty" has proven time after time to be full of love for me and was undoubtedly my saviour when all seemed hopeless in my darkest days.
The world needs more Aunty's!
[01 Jul] - Community poll | Posting limit? (HOLD)
2021-07-02 Hi, Isabelle,
Thank you for the invitation to give comment on this matter, and of course, thank you again for the wonderful work you and the team do to offer this site to everyone.
I would say that I tend to be against the restraint of art in any of its manifestations but I do fully understand the predicament the bay faces with multiple posts.
Creativity is a flowing stream that sometimes meets a dam or dyke. When that does occur, once past the obstruction the stream will flow stronger for a little bit before calming again. Such is the mind of a writer, or in this instance, the poet.
I sometimes can post texts 2 or 3 at a time and other times can go for weeks (as the previous weeks have proved) without posting at all. So, I guess I play catch up and post if and when I have a text or more that I think worthy of being read.
Having said that, I do feel that in recent times there has been a marked increase in "surge" postings and this undoubtedly has some effect on those others that have posted only to find their contribution(s) relegated from the front page of todays texts. So, like all good things, there does have to be a modicum of regulation and perhaps a daily limit is now a requirement. I personally would prefer that if there is to be a limit then it should be 3 texts per designated period.
For those that think this is rather tight then I would if I may proffer some thoughts: Every one of us experiences the dreaded writers block and would honestly wish we had something in reserve to work on and present for critical viewing. BY limiting the number of posts per hour or day, then that means we DO have something for another day. Just my nickels worth as it were (-:
The Legacy
2021-03-20 About 3 years ago the new "craze" was the ESCAPE ROOM with venues springing up all over the place. You and your friends were locked in a room and using clues had to find a way out. Yet, for as long as I can remember the Escape room was my sanctuary only then it was called the Public Library. For surely as I read the classics such as Treasure Island or Call of the Wild, I did escape to the high seas or the wolf ridden wilderness of N America. Books are still my escape today.
Your words so expertly crafted took me back there in an instant and into that comfortable moment that nurtured my love of reading. Thank you for that.
Haiku for Mothering Sunday
2021-03-14 A Haiku of class that does say it all in a few short lines.. Well done and thanks for sharing.
The Next To Die
2021-02-01 And here you are, completing such splendid imagery through your words.
Thank you for sharing.
A Pandemic Nostrum
2020-12-21 A very "poetic" compilation of verse(s)
Thanks for sharing.
Jazz With Fond Memories of Long Forgotten Times
2020-12-17 Fond memories and perhaps a little hint of wondering come through in this text; for me at least.
Thanks for sharing.
2020-12-17 O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
To a Louse - Robert Burns (1786)
(Oh would some power the gift to give us
To see ourselves as others see us).
Thanks for another interesting write. I enjoyed reading the text and finding a meaning within.
A Cowboy's Christmas
2020-12-17 A descriptive text and pleasure to read.
Yes, here I am twice the age but still a 15 year old inside :)
Wish You Were Here
2020-12-01 Crisp description and content. Well written.
Thanks for sharing.
Simple Gifts Come Unexpected/. Postcard Challange
2020-11-30 Such a touching (literally) verse.
Thanks for sharing.
You brighten my day
2020-11-30 Very poetic.
Thanks for sharing
2020-11-21 I was frightfully bullied at school for a time. My mother, a school Principal, advised me that bullies and the like were such because the knew their own inadequencies and had a need to hide these by picking out the weaknesses of those around them. So I guess, yes, if you want to find fault in me then you will; but you would do well to look to your own faults first.
I think this piece says that.
Sated Garden
2020-10-07 I miss having a garden and how when looking out the window, mine looked just as nice as any other in the neighbourhood...
when under 2ft of snow :)
Thank you for sharing this text with us.
2020-10-07 Indeed, there is much to be said about his plagiaristic genius (?).
Another fine (and very indivdual) write from you.
Thanks for sharing.
2020-08-29 "I think therefore I am"... You write, therfore we muse on your thoughts. So, there you are.
Thanks for sharing those thoughts, and writings, with us.
The timeless view
2020-08-29 A thoughful and insightful piece of prose. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Snowing Petals
2020-08-04 Whirling dervishes of snowing petals. What a wonderful and descriptive image you have painted. Enough so for this reader to see it, feel it, and, and almost smell the fragrance of those petals.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
2020-08-04 Much of what you say is too true. The 2 main shopping areas in my city are Sauchiehall street and Buchanan street. Both very busy and both Pedestrian precincts for as long as I can remember. Nowadays you take your life in your hands as you dodge the cyclists (and I say that as an enthusiastic cyclist). The law on cycling seem to have been abandoned. Speaking to a friend of the legal persuasion, she advised me that it is all in the definition of "Pedestrian" - a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go. SO, it would seem the have every right to be on pedestrian area's but should (only should) observe the safety of all others and themselves.
Nonetheless, another interesting piece from you. Thanks for sharing.
2020-07-29 A strongly voiced thought on something that irks so many of us. Thanks for sharing it with us.
2020-06-26 Reading this I reflected on something an older and very much wiser colleague asked me one time. "Have you ever seen a man eating fish"? Of course he deliberately asked me in a monotone voice. The answer was either "Yes, in a local restaurant" or, "no, there is no such species." How we use words DOES have such an effect if we fail to understand the context or meaning.
Thank you for sharing this piece with us
PoetBay: My Reasons Why it's Dear to My Heart (Creativity Aside)
2020-06-25 Your dedication (so much without reward) is a beacon to us all. So much we take for granted here and not realising the work that goes on behind the scenes. We, I thank you deeply and hope the Bay continues to flourish under your guidance.
Thank you
2020-06-14 Such is the eloquence of language that something can be said in such a way as to mean something completely different.
Another fine, and thought provoking, write.
Thanks for shariing.
found art
2020-06-14 And as we tut-tut the lives of others we can become perhaps more conscious of our own idiosyncrasies.
A straight to the point (if you pardon my pun) view of a life outside our window where we hope it will remain.
Thanks for sharing,
2020-06-08 Statues are a reminder of a past we all want to forget.
A well thought and written piece Sir, thank you for sharing.
2020-05-21 You got that so right! Well written, thanks for sharing.
in golden gate park
2020-05-21 Very astute write which did catch my inner thoughts. Thanks for that.
I believe now, one good thing to come out of this Pandemic is when someone asks you "how are you doing?" they sincerely mean it.
2020-04-16 Succinct and so true.
Thanks for sharing.
2020-04-16 Indeed. I rely on the Echo show to maintain contact with my mother. She, when in the right frame of mind, can interact and I can see how well she is keeping. Not the same as a reassuring home visit though. Thankfully the care team keep me up to date via the telephone.
Thanks for sharing.