The door stays open

The Door
that opens inwards-
it was
opened first
by my son
at the time of his birth.

I guess he broke it open
for i don't remember
holding it open for him
or waiting for him
even if he did make me
wait for long for him
to make me a mother.

It has remained open
since that April morning
as i have stayed open.

All have been welcome who
stepped in or walked past
or turned away from it.

Its so immensely quiet at the door
that one is never sure what lies ahead
and i would not take note unless
you sit right before me
or besides me
and say what i have never heard before
or not in a manner i am used to

I hear you first
and then i see you.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 59 times
Written on 2025-01-13 at 22:18

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Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
I already said it before: Sona is a sonar! I feel your almost imperceptible touch on vails of mist and the gasp of surprise in view of anything at all. You are so light you can't be measured, and so light that darkness is in demand.

Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Another excellent piece from you. Thank you.