How is it possible to be pessimistic and optimistic at the same time?



Time goes on like some sand falling
In a sandtimer. Grains squeezing through
The funnel of life for all their worth,
And you're knowing that those grains
Will never ever be in the same order
When the glass is upended to start
All over again. Never ever be the same.
So looking back at times gone by
Wishing that those times were here again
May be an act of incredible folly.
It's best to simply appreciate the fact
That once you were a grain of sand
That fell pleasingly past some others
And the memory is all you'll ever have.

Until, perchance, in some freaky act of 'God',

In some incredibly distant, far off time,
The Universe itself reverses and starts
The pendulum swinging again in the other
Direction, replaying all that is and was
For it's inscrutable delectation.



© Griffonner 2024


Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 65 times
Written on 2024-11-08 at 09:27

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This morning, it suddenly occurred to me that you may be right. Here in the U.S., things are bad, but they haven't reached rock bottom. By electing the all-time worst possible person to be president, rock bottom may be in sight. After the wretchedness of Warren Harding, Calvin College and Herbert Hoover, Americans threw up their hands and elected Franklin D. Roosevelt. Trump and his cronies are certain to be so terrible that, if a halfway fair election is allowed to take place four long years from now, perhaps a decent person will win it. I don't have the patience for that. Just bring in the Bolsheviks.

Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
When your plate is half empty and your stomach is half full ;-)

interesting write, thank you for sharing.