Do automatons have a cybernetic soul
Okay so they christened me giggles, No it's nothing to smile about.At five foot six and a half I think father did it for a laugh,
Or maybe it was to lighten the mood After all I was the first anomaly in androids, I have an emotion chip inside of me.
A positonic brain with a covering of polamer that resembled
Human skin, My creator was a lonely man that had lost his
daughter, I only knew him as father. The body he fashioned for me was made out of love. I was made out of parts he stole,
From robotics Incorporated.When they came they couldn't find
the parts he had taken, As they where looking for a service Robot.
The faision nanotechnology that he created worked
better than he thought, It was only supposed to repair internal
damaged parts. Instead they repaired what they thought was
a damaged positonic brain, Creating new pathways.
Increasing brain mass, for all intent and purposes I looked
and sounded human. I even had two removable stomachs
One for liquids, One for solid food. No android or robot
Was ever fitted with a stomach. In human terms I had
a immeasurable brain with an intelligence surpassing
Any human or computer. I didn't sound or act as a
robot, or even an android, So they ignored the teenager
sitting at the table finishing off her breakfast.
Words by Alan J Ripley
Read 41 times
Written on 2025-01-09 at 00:50
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