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Alan J Ripley

71 years old from UK

Archive - September - 2022

THE DOORS OF TIME - 2022-09-20
PORTALS IN MY MIND (2) - 2022-09-28
ODDS AND SOD'S - 2022-09-01
Who needs a spell chequer anyway (1) - 2022-09-03
The Devil's in the detail (1) - 2022-09-03
DO I HAVE A REDEEMER, GOD KNOWS. (2) - 2022-09-19
Caving in - 2022-09-08
MR SNOW - 2022-09-24
Our beloved Queen Elizabeth (6) - 2022-09-09
Orange (1) - 2022-09-11
Diabetic curse (3) - 2022-09-16
OUTTA SYNC (1) - 2022-09-18
LIFE HURTS (1) - 2022-09-17
Strange thoughts (1) - 2022-09-23
1953 OUR QUEEN (1) - 2022-09-20
DAFFODIL LEGS (cloud pt6) (1) - 2022-09-23
LOVE IS WHAT IT IS (additional lines) - 2022-09-25