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Archive - December - 2023

you should better find yourself a god (2) - 2023-12-04
agent double (3) - 2023-12-04
agent quadruple (1) - 2023-12-04
natural civilization (3) - 2023-12-05
natural man (2) - 2023-12-07
a word, a phrase (2) - 2023-12-07
"tout est dans tout" (2) - 2023-12-13
thank you (3) - 2023-12-14
spontaneous (2) - 2023-12-15
everything's in everything (3) - 2023-12-15
a man, his story (2) - 2023-12-16
no no... (1) - 2023-12-18
And the Nobel Peace Prize winner goes to...the Messiah (1) - 2023-12-18
the point Godwin or the self-referencing (1) - 2023-12-18
Nancy (1) - 2023-12-21
the codes of normality (1) - 2023-12-21
identity - 2023-12-28
happiness - 2023-12-29
in love with his mirror - 2023-12-29
working is my therapy (1) - 2023-12-30
for the grammarians and the linguists - 2023-12-30
Medley - 2023-12-30
visa - 2023-12-31