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Mikkel Mowinckel

44 years old from Norway

The latest comments that Mikkel Mowinckel has written.


Precicely. Awareness is a product of thought.


When a loved one tells me I am not loved, I am hurt. If I am hurt by a stranger commenting my poem, I am looking for self-worth in all the wrong places.

As with any utterance it is up to the reader to discern whether he/she has received any meaningful communication, or merely inane babble.

One has to think of these things, or risk dazing through all exchanges without having received or imparted any meaningful understanding.

I for one, am not content with either confusion, delusion, or illusion.

Nothing But Doubts

If one has nothing to say, what one says becomes nothing.

No more "poetic" chat

I'm with Bob on this one.....

Schizoid capitulation

laugh it up, monkey cup....