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Member since 2005-10-27
Has written 251 comments

Has received 834 applauds


The artist, journalist, photographer, writer, musician and editor Bengt O Björklund was born in Stockholm 1949. In 1968 he landed in jail in Istanbul for $ 20 worth of hash and met a bunch of international artists, poets and musicians. It was then he embarked on his artistic voyage as well as learning to cook, do yoga and generally get a life.
Some of this was depicted in the movie "Midnight Express" where the character Erich was based on Bengt who was a good friend of Billy Hayes at that time.


75 years old from Sweden

MY TEXTS, Archive 872 Texts

the night smells of luminol - 2015-05-01
I never saw dragons (1) - 2015-05-01
it is in the green (2) - 2015-05-01
and a new one without title (3) - 2015-04-23
five more - 2015-04-23
This flower (3) - 2015-04-20
come to me she said (1) - 2015-04-20
I missed Woodstock (2) - 2015-04-20
Will I find her? (3) - 2015-04-19
slow motion day in slow trance (3) - 2015-04-17
Flower listen to the tamborines. (4) - 2015-04-16
this is not a threat (2) - 2015-04-16
and three more poems (1) - 2015-04-14
Three more poems - 2015-04-11
two in a row (1) - 2015-04-05
so all is of no more (2) - 2015-02-07
diatribe assault wind (1) - 2015-01-19
air (1) - 2015-01-18
rules and rulers (1) - 2015-01-16
winter moon (3) - 2015-01-14

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