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Ask your parents for instructions on life, not strangers, even if they are famous, they are still strangers!
by dint of thinking
you do nothing else
in the end, you only ruminate on your thoughts
in the void and they are not linked to
any action
if something belongs to the past, you can not invent it but you can find it
if something belongs to the future, you might well invent it because it doesn't exist yet
anti-semitism exists because we are all jewish idiots
were the people who have an end to them the first to have a beginning
like the Jews?
we will be the first and the last on Earth
I'm so slow I'll be dead before I understand myself! but understanding is a construction...of self, meanwhile you must build and understand yourself ?
Freud in Nigeria
when a therapy doesn't work
we change therapy, we don't change the context
choosing the context to feel good! it's more than just a therapy
the left ball is not the backup ball for the right ball! so why didn't nature make a big ball!
-he lies like he breathes
-i let others lie for me...
the origin of the pain and satisfaction is the same?
what is a feminist
she's a woman who screams "rape me" at the man she desires during the first meeting and who hopes that he won't run away!
the pregnant lady said: you are a fool, you didn't full me !
some errors teach us about good answers
they are worth taught
follow the changing
or be the changing that doesn't change
there must be a way to outsmart his own previous shame and to put new incentives instead in relation with experiences and intelligence
Now for sure, every time I read my online newspaper, I count the number of articles that talk about the war in Ukraine, are they increasing or not?
Brandon, give me some Brandy
Al Reddish
no radishes in the paradishes
do you prefer beauty on you or being attracted by beauty on her
since my father's death, I've been declassed in his country... while a prince becomes king, somehow a knight becomes a frog
go to the bathroom
right away if you're going to eat something bad for your health
don't use your stomach as a trash can!
if you do nothing, you can only loose yourself
if you do something more, you may lose something more
someone who wants to commit suicide has no patience for life
It's hard to be the observer and the observed when you wanna test a pill
racism can explain all your problems but it cannot solve all of them
Heaven: Imagine you there happier, that's it...
tueur en scierie, tueur en Syrie, tueur en série
happiness comes without effort, a toddler senses it but he can not put it into words
Has personality something in common with the color of the skin, if yes, is PERSONAlity superficial?
The percentage of Jews on the planet is quite well known, but what is less known and even taboo is the percentage of anti-Semites, which varies with place and time!
Why is mean things usually free? Because no one is going to pay to hear mean things said to them.
If you want to know the color of the chameleon when it is in danger, put it in an environment that is not its own!
Sometimes you know the truth, but when it's said by someone more important than you, it hits hard!
I can't go beyond my limits alone
when I jump rope, the obstacle is me!
a sick adult becomes a child without his parents
man is sometimes soft, sometimes hard
he is not infinitely strong
he bends or he cracks
I burst like a fried egg
If you don't do it for yourself, at least, do it for Jesus !
the more we would love each other
the more love would beat us all
it's sad that is it through love that gives life that AIDS kills us
you don't understand what you read
you don't understand what you hear
you don't understand what you see
there is an understatement to all this
black holes are the toilets of the universe
and stars are the night lights...
just imagine, once again an enemy
the more we love each other, the more it becomes strong and lethal...it ruins our unity
a bit like the AIDS virus
you can be pessimistic and optimistic
at the same time
because if it cannot be worst (pessimistic) it can only go better (optimistic)
someone who has them all is the king of the feminists
someone who has everything
needs nothing?
the opposite of the communist is the independent ?
if everyone becomes rich, what would be their party? the party of the independents?
I try to detox from poetbay
discovery: when it comes from Nature?
invention: when it comes from a human mind?
G-d and Nature remain silent
it hurts me to think
I can't buy God's time
but you make yours available to me for a fee
why are you looking at the light bulb?
Because the genie is in the lamp
I have the eye of Fatima
and Fatima has me in her eye
drink a coke if you're lacking coke
or a pepsi if you're lacking pep
choose between God or Genes
having someone else take a picture of you from above
look at the picture and see a man who will not let himself be diminished by himself!
I feel questioning : if you need a reason, you'll for sure find one, now it's all about the acceptance by the patient....
why European men don't wear veils to take the burden for the women ?
always making love
in the frame of the law
the most valuable time in a capitalistic system is the time belonging to those who earn the most...
an honor for a universalist cosmopolitan
being called all the names
being called all the races 🤣
"kind of white Chinese nigger!"
to be in peace and at pace, is all we expect for you...
Michaël Jordan is the King of Jordan-ia
endure today for what you did wrong yesterday...
in order to forgive yourself...
my joints are getting stiff
i tell you to articulate!
German "iced look" stare
no eyelashes language
the nugget for the chick
maybe it's food for the mind
but not all food are good for you!
Where are the people of my community amongst other communities ? Have they fled to other, more propitious places? Are they hiding in the shadows for fear of being identified?
best care or carefree
is my veil, an ally or an obstacle?
I kill the animals in the Zoo with a Ba-Zoo-ka
it's not because we wear the same veil that we are the same
there is a bigger gap between the veiled German and the veiled Belgian than between the veiled German and the non-veiled German Muslim?
different cultures even in the same country, same religion, multiculture plays the game of the religions
men should put on a veil in protest!
la jeunesse assiste impuissante, à la passation de pouvoir entre l'ouest et les Brics, elle est désorientée, invente des mouvements sociaux, suppose une indépendance voire une supériorité de la femme qui n'existe que dans l'imagination des féministes
le péché du capital
la varice
tu as attrapé la grippe? lâche-moi la grappe
virus de la grippe et virus de la grappe (mildew)
le vibromasseur est un sexe à piles (sex-appeal)
Tu comprends, les profs cotèrent leurs quotas
je revendique mon droit à la tristesse
you earn your living with money
you lose it over time
C, sea, see
au bord d'elle, au bord d'eau
for all the soldiers dead, the war is over
l'identité est une invention administrative...basée sur la ressemblance entre ce qui est sur papier et ce qui est vu
Martin nique et Martine niquait parce qu'ils viennent de la Martinique
c'était écrit dans leur pays!
t'as la mine des mauvais jours, t'as la mine d'enfer beaucoup
ô D.ieu
Porc avec de la laine de mouton sur la tête, porc déguisé en mouton
Moi, si le roi m’anoblissait en tant que marocain, je voudrais qu’il me nomme baron dans ma culture ? C’est Emir
Patron? Citron
Pas tronc ? Si tronc
saint spear (s'inspire)
We should not put all our eggs in the basket of science...
a jealous zealous zealot
Auvio, Auviol
don't force the pipe
suck yourself
Mr Honda had invented a wear-resistant engine with engine parts that were made of porcelain that did not wear out but they did not let him do it because this engine was too good...(dus not commercially efficient)
someone smoking a pipe is like sucking a breast?
luxe de pauvres, luxe de riches
mankind will forget faster the Nobel peace laureates than Hitler
I always put my upside down Christ around my neck when I have an orgy, dark deeds need dark faith
For the Pope, as an anonymous person, one exists only in a crowd
quand on te hait, c'est que tu existes
on me hait, donc je suis vivant
et même mort vous me haïssez parce que j'occupe encore vos pensées...
ceux qui me haïssent m'oublieront en dernier
je me sens aussi bien avec ce gars qu'avec un tueur en série dans l'atelier d'un boucher
si tu as honte de ta culture à l'étranger alors ne participe pas à son folklore dans un autre pays, tout seul, on n'existe pas pour les autres...
la definition des sons du mot se trouvent écrits dans le mot
esca-lier ou esca-lope
you heal when you pay....
because you're a rich economist thief treated by a shrink! you are a rich kleptomaniac
tu guéris quand tu paies....
parce que t'es un riche voleur soigné par un psy!
trouvaille, travouille
si t'es pas le chef des pauvres, tu es le plus pauvre des chefs
la fin du x se prononce comme s
do you want to serve as a man or as a tool?
lend me your waiter
lend me your tool for free?
vous pouvez avoir 5 ans, 10 ans, 15 ans, 20 ans, 25 ans d'expérience, il vous manquera toujours l'intelligence qu'il fallait avoir au début!
On a demandé au Lion, tu veux rentrer dans ton pays? As-tu vraiment besoin d'un pays pour te sentir chez toi ? Tu te prends pour le Roi ou quoi? On te mettra au Zoo.You don't always have to go where others like you or you'll end up in a Zoo
évidemment, si je ne travaille pas
je me sens pas à l'aise au café et chez moi c'est trop petit...?si je travaille je ne suis pas à ma place à mon travail...
you have a hard-on
we're going to bandage you
"the nurses who bandage"
t'as la gaule
on va te (fer) bander
"les infirmières qui pansent"
allez, tous aux fers, c'est offert
the carrot's rape and the carrots grate
On entre au paradis sur concours !
We enter paradise through competition because the seats are limited...
They made Ww3 , we are out of context
22, v'là les flics...33, v'là le docteur, 66..le diable arrive...
ce que tu cherches, jeune, pourquoi tu ne l'as pas trouvé dans des livres?
Un criminel américain condamné à mort a choisi l'euthanasie
Adalbert Tirouflon
au jour d'Huy
Les habitants de Huy sont-ils des huytres ?
sous les pavés, la plage
sous la plage, le plagiat
Saint Spear
I have a daughter, should I call her Marine or Stella?
they want me to believe that the origin of pizza is the food of the nobles
one day we will discover that the fricandelle comes from food for dog that has passed the sanitary laws
if you lack of support here, the question may be: where here becomes there?
we are dependent on everything that people know how to do that you don't know how to do yourself
you are told to adapt, it takes time to adapt...if what you want to adapt to is constantly changing, how are you going to adapt?
adapt to change or make people adapt to you !
compatibility not comptability
We don't know how to be true or natural in an environment where everyone cheats.
Tik Tok? TT scans all your posts then presents videos that only reinforce your opinions
If I was as wealthy as them, I would be making fun of the people like me!
hope, expectation, is necessarily believing in something that is not yet there, the optimist is resolutely turned towards the future...
in usa everyone looks at the idol, the star with surveillance cameras in china everyone is watched by AI
Turkey from India ou une dinde d’Inde
Besos a quoi dans sa besace?
yes, the rules or laws that forbid you from hurting others are not enough to make you an extraordinary being
even if the laws and rules are more and more difficult to apply
sorry to put the topic on the table Uncle Meridian
but your approach to women
with the way Lawrence B. does are slightly different
basketball players are a sporting elite based on height so it is partly unfair!
if we put the basketball hoop lower, they would not be the same ones who would be the best!
we become what we are: I was born with a professional deformation.
would i lose my words
if i were brought back to the natural state?
my words or my memory( my first words that I learned, papa, maman, Alberto)?
I want you to use racist arguments to prove that racism is bullshit through proof by contradiction 🤣
Thought must not submit: ULB motto!
And when we take medication, what do we do?
Thought is chemistry
does the name Barbara originate from Barbarian?
we are not responsible for the face we have but for the face we make...
although with mirror neurons, it is confusing
tell that to two boxers in a ring, they're not there to read emotion on the opponent's face, right?
We are imposters except when we play!
Who are we?
Love's a dance
The fight is a power struggle
why do you think that everybody like you?
focus instead on what people like!
complex men bring their sciences to complexity?
a simple man studying a complicated science faces a complex man who masters a simpler science...but do we all face the same things in the end?
To do a job is first to copy the ancien workers? But then actor is the common core of all jobs?
you don't get anything from losers
young French graduated people generally go to USA for a MBA and upgrade their diploma
the son of Yannick Noah (Joachim) went to the NBA
who gets finally the best paycheck ?
the error is a mistake but which professor would dig out a deeper sense from it?
He is a tortured mind, he will say everything!
le tue idee escono dalla tua testa come ti crescono i capelli
tu sei la pecora che deve essere tosata per ottenere la lana!
sei fortunato che le tue idee ci interessano
perché altrimenti finiresti sotto la lama del coltello
The brightness of a star in the sky does not depend on where it is but how it shines
To make her stronger, I fed her with the leftovers of what is given to lions.
The polytheists did not ask themselves if the stars were in their place!
the busker sings in the bosk
we take turns lecturing each other, when i'm wrong you correct me and when you're wrong you correct me
she didn't find a forest, she found a grove
we take turns lecturing each other, when I'm wrong you correct me and when you're wrong you correct me
le paradis est un pays avec un parti unique
on habite les lieux en les aimant
pas en les haïssant
real hate is not on the screen
it is in the audience
but the film draw attention
when all the hate is turned into the direction of the screen
fear makes you suffer
suffering scares you
you take asylums for meeting places and the psychiatrist for a marriage agent
I should drink my meal
I think, their tolerance will loose patience
why farting makes sometimes people laugh?
because he farts hilarious gas
and why the audience in a one-man show laughs quite automatically? it is because the supervisor injects hilarious fart gas in the public
Anonymous farters are rampant in crowded places. Their motto is: 'You can't tell them, but you can make them smell !'
i am wondering if we were all bisexual, would we
be attracted the same by women or men?
if I had an inner voice, it is made of words coming from a dictionary, those words are not connected to my unique DNA, probably that in that case, it would reveal strange informations, because a language is to share with someone, an inner voice is by definition for yourself and by yourself, it has something contradictory, your own language doesn't need a dictionary, it is purely intuitive and not conditioned
trust your voice but not too much, it can end dramatically, there is also the saying : in vino veritas and that has nothing to see with your voice?
we were dropped off there, in a green setting
man has a point of view on his own achievements and ends up giving value to himself but that does not make the cows moo, no there is love also
we bet that by listening to others, you will go no further than by listening to yourself
if you are famous, come unnoticed
if you are unnoticed, make the difference that no one can fill so you will tell I was famous on small differences
qu'est-ce qui ne se mélange pas?
les religions, les accents et quelques choses d'autre!
I became an artist to be known
I became known for being president (trump?)
to become eligible as president, you are supposed to already have achieved something important in your life...
I am a translator of primal communication : i translate the sound of tomtom in smoke signals and upside down
You can say: I want to terminate my Life but can you say as a spermatozoon, i dont want to be conceived
You need a coach or a couch?
The origin of the text message
the Indians sent smoke signals
and the African sounds through the tom-tom
These are the languages that are written without accents on the letters that have the most accents in pronunciation?
written accents, language accents, tonic accents
âtre, marâtre, saumâtre
â: a roof for the A ?
friends by the beard
mankind only need one kind of woman to fulfil all the men's lust?
the therapist, your mother, your husband, the triptych of love?
All the books have a title except the Bible (Read THE Book)
Sunday and Saturday are the strong-hand, not the weak-end
Is it possible to have a country where all the communists would be rich?
to surprise the AI with your questions, do you have to be unpredictable?
Hawaï you?
I am fine
L’habit ne fait pas le moine mais le château fait le gentilhomme
I can’t make a living on remorse
Maybe you think outside the box but you don’t think outside the skull
Please G-d, make us men necessary to humanity
we don't have the luxury to be superfluous
we shouldn't try everything that hasn't yet been done, we know by knowledge that some are lethal
replaceable in our race but our race's irreplaceable
they have made a test out of your life
if you stop defending yourself, you stop living
if I knew where to take my life
rather than writing poems that no one
does read
Trump: the dealmaker, he has made a deal with the Evil, make me president and I'll give you my soul and a battered country in return, isn't it what you want, dear Evil ?
Ils font de l’argent, nous faisons l’Histoire
they make you believe you need to be a genius to understand your life and if you don't understand the people around you, your genius is not enough to get by with others?
program for Trump's first day as president: taking aim at all those who opposed his re-election (judges, lawyers etc...)
day 2: release from prison all those who took his side
Just because you're unpredictable doesn't mean you have the potential to do extraordinary things.
in science, language tries to stick to reality, in politics, supporters try to stick to political discourse
it was his name
Trump the 14th of July lived a near death experience
I thought myself as a poet, now how much I have become a political rant! I can't be taken seriously anymore
some people who work on Tv and inform the viewers are not really at home
migratory bird that broke a wing while traveling between home and here: it's me
the most ridiculous traffic accident you can have is getting hit by an ambulance
why are the prices of cigarette packs constantly increasing? This is the price to pay to satisfy your vice
first we laughed at his jokes then we laughed at him
it's strange, one people being slave in Egypt and pretending to be the chosen one. is there a people which started the opposite way, in one direction there is a stake in the other direction, there is none!
I need a therapist: I am a killer who fears blood
so I was prescribed a Bloody Mary per day
if people don't have a second degree to understand, let them appeal to their third degree or else they are always missing a degree
Does a man who goes to see a sex therapist with his wife fantasize about a fine threesome?
if you imagine an object, you are making an economy instead of making it real
anti-Semitism: when everyone has to go home, there is a lack of space which is not lacking when people are dispersed!
Freud did not go easy on his patients, he was the first supplier of sex toys instead of letting find them a lover!
I told to myself that your tolerance would lose patience, that at one moment you would claim from me the air that I breathe, that I keep silent for the rest of time
while many becomes much, it brings confusion
FIRE! C’est nous les Allemands
don't drink the water coming from the sea
it's full of ashes of the dead bodies
where are the people like me where I live?
there is a stake when you can lose more than what you can win...
using the sole criterion of skin color to designate the enemies of white people: there is material for psychoanalysis. Fetishization of the color black ?
do we play chess against the world ?
can we think outside the skull, outside a place? Is thought always a content?
done, but haven't served
I am not classy enough to be part of the Anglicans
the difference between a multicultural world and a multicultural city is homogeneity. Indeed, in a city the space is so limited that people have to mix perhaps fuse, so homogeneity is higher...
we will change his relation to people but we won't change Brussel into an island
a child does not know when he lies, he mixes truth and lies in a kind of reverie
if we could invent what we wanted, we would make our imagination work at 120% so by inventing, we don't do what we want, we have to go through discovery?
the hugest container for mankind is the Earth
the smallest container is the family
one is headless multicultural, the other can be
if it is very small you must use a microscope
if it is very far, you must use a telescope
but never without your eyes
but if it is very far and very small, what will you use?
to be a believer, you must be certain that God doesn't lie at you, this would be the last hindrance?
emotions are moving
you think you are thinking in real time when in fact you are thinking in a delayed manner, do you think ahead of the facts?
one would like the form of Trump and the depth of Biden in one single man as president
so people have split their vote by 2, so after the votation, one will get only a tiny bit more than half of the result...
the entire world is including mankind, why do you want to include the world inside the walls of your city?
what is the merchandising of philosophy? what are its commercials? Only 100% food for thoughts and nothing for a dime?
G_d must smell the medicine because He is able to cure all diseases
I have perhaps more talent for commenting than for posting poems, am I thus better as a poetry critic?
between the Belgian of the year 2000 and the 5-year-old Brusselaar, this city (Brussels) is in perpetual facelift reconstruction
dogmatism to "ecolism"
the roots also die. the proof is that you no longer have hair on the stone and you lose your teeth
alone, you can't do much
but together, you are not allowed to do everything you want
you are the European Bank of Love
make a deposit on my account
gimme love, flood me with love
teach me how to love
so that I can love in return
you went to America to fulfil your dreams or to get refunded of your bad treatments in Europe, but that's not anymore how it works here, no pain no gain except for the privileged ones
we serve the soup to our people
it's too risky to count on miracles only
elected? perhaps, but to do what? to do the job no one wants to do?
sales must rise, not prices
wolves don't count sheep to sleep
faut pas confondre "santé mentale et sentimental"
to believe in oneself is to doubt
it is not with the prayers that you can avoid the bullet
tu marches dans mes pas, l'autre pas
If you knew how to speak before meeting a human for the first time, to whom were you talking to?
I love both sushis and rap music because they are raw
is heaven a kind of dope without overdose?
if racism is so developed in France, it is because the hatred between native French people is immense
psychology is not the depth of our personality, it is the form of our human nature
if psychology was an exact science
we would have no free choice to be other than ourselves
it's a dead crazy!
Pourquoi je me tais? si je parlais, on saurait que je suis fou, donc, en me taisant, je fais le sage!
Why I keep silent? if I was talking, everyone would know I am crazy, so by keeping still, I am wise!
(Trump wouldn't agree, you need to be convincing)
si la psychologie était une science exacte, on n'aurait pas besoin de liberté pour être soi-même ?
the numbers may be infinite
I know it
but my head doesn't explode
truly, I can contain a glimpse of infinity
my bed burns like a coffin being cremated
your enemies will start harming you again, even if it harms them because it is in their nature to do so!
management professions are professions which link efficiency to salary...It is not obvious that a good doctor is better paid than a less good doctor: what defines his salary does not particularly define his skills. ..
the school creates the standard
together we are the same but we are different between us!
do you need a telescope or a microscope to see a virus on Mars?
the machine is a handyman who has no ambition
the art is the experience of the philosopher
if a man is a good artist it depends on his talent but if he wants to become rich, it depends on his clients !
sometimes, copying is making a discovery
si j'avais un bar à Evere, je l'appellerais L'Everest
remembering all the names we had before arriving at today, going back in time is so synonymous with reincarnation...
wherever I go, no one is waiting for me
my name is May
my sisters' names are Avril and June
nothing and no one forces you to love...
love someone else as you would like to be loved ...does this have the force of law?
freedom is freedom in time and space...it is travel and eternity...
my name is May, May Nay
words and numbers don't heal
Haway, Hawaï, Hawhy
Racism is a type of antisocial behaviour that will not make us more intelligent, but that is not the goal looked for! but I do not live in society, society is made up of thousands of small societies, some of which I am part of
to live, when we grow up, is to move in the direction of abundance
when we get older, it's resistance against the time that flows!
if researchers discover a drug for Alzheimer's, this drug benefits both rich and poor
only the rich are treated better than the poor when the help is given by people
therefore scientific discoveries reduce the differences between social classes, poverty and wealth...
because otherwise, without a father, you will have to earn your privileges yourself
as a transgender, I can be whoever I want and it's not defined at birth...it's pure freedom
Elon Musk might say: "No! pure freedom is space travel"
they liked me because I was different
now time has deposited its sediment on my life, leaving me only a pale-faced shadow
the community of human lives
we think that there is a good reason to put down roots and a bad reason to be uprooted! The good reason to be uprooted is that you don't live in the United States...? What if you met a country that was a de-concentration camp?
if you devalue yourself by yourself
it's because you're not in your place or
that you have been uprooted!
I live with deep down an insecurity about life and people, which doesn't allow me to look to the future with serenity!
l'anagramme de Meuse est musée
I wished we would match through our poems
I always give my last bit of food to my dog. Even when it's good, even when I'm still hungry. That's why I call this end, the love end
“Please Sana, make me a coffee as black as oil”
Sayings of Saudi prince
inevitably, the author of a book is in cahoots with power (author-ity)
Just because you know me doesn't mean you know what I know.
you know your mother but your mother knows your father better than you know him
you understand without any problem that war is not a game. have you concluded that peace is a game?
well no! paradoxically, we play war because we have no risk of dying!
The devil doesn't have to be all-powerful to beat me, he just needs to be a little more powerful than me and there are lots of devils like that around the place...
how to contradict lies in politics? by other lies and mental illusions? by other even stronger illusions: it is the noise of the jackhammer which drowns out the noise of the vacuum cleaner
if you look after yourself you get better chance to succeed that if you look after the community...
better the success of a single person than the ruin of all
What would you put first to be eligible ? An autocrat in a totalitarian country or a convicted president in a democratic country
either nothingness does not exist and then there is nothing to say about it or it is so complex that we cannot say anything about it!
how can we understand that men have the same common origin and languages do not?
the translation of "yeah"...in French is "ouais" that is pronounced phonetically like "way"
If Trump is elected, should we conclude that the majority of Americans have something to be ashamed of?
Nature makes no waste or Nature is facist?
why is it politics that ends up imposing on us how to think? why don't we share a thought that is broader than the political thought that would dictate our customs and our ways of life?
the word must have been invented in several places for it to exist ?
the word has not a single same origin but exists mostly because of its first occurences ?
don't cling to something inside of you
you can't incorporate the having to the being
unless Elon Musk designs implants ?
Does nature always aim for more anarchy, a direction that human and therefore artificial laws want to reverse?
if race is something made for production (birth, work...) and consumption (wars, leisure...) then racism as a product, should have a marketing strategy!
I think I have made a mistake:"tout est dans tout" is an epanalepsis, the repetition, after a more or less lengthy passage of subordinate or parenthetic text, of a word or clause that was used before
and not an antanaclasis as said before!
when you play for the opposite team, is losing winning?
the brain is a high-precision mechanism that produces uncertainties and techniques to be accurate
there are fears that certain people have awakened in us, fears that lie deep within us and then there are externalized fears that we transmit like we transmit an illness to each other.
is there a common root between the word "trad-e" and the word" trad-ition" which we also encounter in life. By definition, words are inspired by real life... right?
either man takes the place of God on Earth, or that of chance...and above him there is no God, no chance...
pour moi, une espèce dépasse une autre quand elle peut recréer l'espèce qu'elle a fait disparaître par des moyens autres que l'espèce en question!
Exemple : L'AI est supérieure à l'humain si elle peut créer de l'humain que seul l'humain peut réaliser en se reproduisant pour l'instant !
in this city, the main culture is the shit culture
I have a sister called Avril and a brother called Averell
the Bible is an invention that tempts to hide their authors behind a creator that doesn't exist
if work is artificial, so are the holidays, right?
I talk like an ignoramus, I say ignorant things and I collect likes from ignoramuses
all the events that the journalists call "historic" are the events that will go down in the media or down in History with a capital H!
everyone has their place on the street but not all manifestations can occur in every regime...
what if it was all the language that was anti-Semitic*, designed as a far-right political weapon with roots and origins stigmatizing a community, a language of brown smurfs
*for instance: jewellery could have been an antisemitic word but is not (jewel doesn't come from jew) !
I believe that God reveals the most common psychological traits in men while math (not just math) reveals to you whether you are part of an elite perhaps... (I don't like the word elite because we are all necessary! Nature makes no waste)
Do serious people take you for a joke?
I had no choice, I had to study with the Bolsheviks: you can become a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer but on one condition, that you learn from the Bolsheviks your knowledge without borders!
but why?
but because the government which hosts this university is itself of Bolshevik extraction!
Do we become an added value when we have dual nationality? If so, are we taxed, taxed on the person added or only on the products?
no one should be cut out for studies, no one wants to become a professional student, right?
because men are not thermometers, they just feel the heat
pays-bas ou pays basque
Trump adapts to the mega-rich by giving them gifts and wants migrants, all migrants, to adapt to him (they have no possibility of being respected by force)
what if human skin was like a human bag that would hold all the liquids inside? I am holding myself
democracy is when politicians adapt to the population. Autocracy is when the population must adapt to politicians? Is the context ignored?
heat is a feeling, it is impossible to give the exact temperature of the feeling on your skin but only an interval of heat (statistical value?)
when I understand something new, I don't understand something that no one understand but I understand something that everyone already understood! (like a child not a PhD)
alone, we don't have the flaw of selfishness, right?
It is astonishing that a people who consider themselves the chosen people end up occupying the place of the scapegoat!
those who believe in God do not know exactly what they believe in; on the other hand, those who do not believe know exactly what they do not believe in but that doesn't exhaust the whole domain (if it exists) of God's existence, right?
Are there professions that are mocked by men and respected by God for its true human added value ?
Do you withdraw into yourself when you question your state of mind?
a war, a ward, award
je suis le régime (à l'eau) de Vichy (Célestin)
once dead, I'll leave my posterior-ity for the lucky ones to kiss it !
ne pas confondre: régime de bananes avec république bananière
the military industry wherever it is, are the subcontractors of foreign armies?
gluttony seems written in your genes, as for hunger, it's a phenomenon that comes and disappears like the surf
It's not that we have to overcome evil with evil like in a war, but to exhaust a delirium, do we have to live it to the end?
collect the voices of prisoners who have no right to any visible existence
you can't decline all the errors associated to you
without having the risk of being taken for an irresponsable, right ?
the more gaseous it is, the more statistical it becomes ?
the fine dining is a matter of gluttony not hunger, right?
when I eat in a fine restaurant, I start my second meal as soon as I ate my first one, because when we are hungry, we are ready to eat anything, we want the hunger to stop, not the gluttony to stop!
the fact of having the mind emptied of God and the empty mind with God (naming the emptiness in the worst case proves that at least we are not alone because God is a faith, a thought that is outsourced, right ?)
inflation is when goods become more expensive or the price of money decreases (you need more money than before...if the price of goods did not vary), these are both my captain, right?
if the universe was something like:
when we leave the container we enter the content etc... getting out a chamber through a door and entering in the same chamber through another door...
"Les politiciens ne font pas de Cartier"
j'ai du sexe mais j'ai pas de cul
Pierre Komsany
ce n'est pas parce que tu as du cul que tu fais souvent l'amour!
I do research on common sense, I am one of its specialists
Dopes transform a society which consumes products into a society which only consumes the mother of all products..."In dope, we trust (the president is a misguided chemist)"
Little or Lidl market?
cruelty is a sade-ness
what is normal today is consensus, that does not concern tomorrow's choices, right?
if you can think about emptiness, you are not so empty, right?
if you are sick of common sense, do not go and see a specialist of the common sense
if you don't know what everyone else knows, you know a thing or two about emptiness!
Socratic-al mind or so critical mind or so cryptical mind?
a delocalized and inverted (in)justice:
treated fairly outside their homes and unfairly at home, you could say that, right? When we move enemies elsewhere, we move conflict zones as for peace, we still have to invent it!
Chrétien, chré tien, crée-tiens
my dad and my mom had nothing in common
the fact that we can know why God punishes you makes me doubt that he exists...An animal does not know why we raise it in an enclosure!
no one wants their father to go see prostitutes except your best friend who her father visits in the evening in her bed!
Ce sont nos impôts qui permettent à la caste de politiques bruxellois de mener grand train...?
don't mix hermits and selfish people
since you didn't suck it off your thumb
as far as you can go inside yourself
That’s the farthest you can go with the others, right?
is it a dream, an invention ?
my recipe for happiness
to be happy, you must be able to be carefree
to be carefree, someone needs to care about you
I sell powdered water
air under vacuum
gaseous ground
and fire below zero degrees
don't link outrageously those following terms, Albert: students, breeders and lift groom
the students are educated, the breeders are fattening and the stars are on an elevator
je suis troublée, tu es floue
without a task to perform, you are free like air that is not used to blow in the sails?
Are all cultures the same? Are the most sought-after cultures those with the highest market value (culture is available in the form of commercial products: films, books, music, fashion, food, etc.?)
the ones that sadists don't like are consenting people because if they consent, then they are no longer really sadists
when you have been turned around like a pancake, when what you hid becomes visible and what was visible becomes hidden, what will be your value? a photo of you in negative! Confessors see life negatively.
pedagogy is what a student does not learn from a teacher but it is what allows him to learn.
all these taxes that we pay support the politicians and allow them to live from their lousy and incompetent policies
if competition produces better professionals, it does not always allow clients to access these professionals who are often reserved for an elite of society because in the end, everyone has the right to earn their living...and the rest must just pay and accept what he gets for the same quality of money.
I always believed that adults who had something in store for young people would find themselves in teaching
isn't "everything is in everything" an antanaclasis ?
In rhetoric, antanaclasis (/æntəˈnækləsɪs, ˌæntænəˈklæsɪs/; from the Greek: ἀντανάκλασις, antanáklasis, meaning "reflection",[1] from ἀντί anti, "against", ἀνά ana, "up" and κλάσις klásis "breaking") is the literary trope in which a single word or phrase is repeated, but in two different senses.[2] Antanaclasis is a common type of pun, and like other kinds of pun, it is often found in slogans.[3]
Is your doubt important enough to give rise to an experience from which you can learn something?
"à chaque jour, sa pathologgi"
in Australia, they limit immigration, in Belgium, the government solicits immigration. Australians have enough by improving the lot of those who are already there! The others don't have enough domestic wealth, Are previous generation immigrants in an ejection seat, right?
what I know does not come from me, I did not suck it from my thumb. Ultimately, I have memory, logic, emotional, language skills, etc. that reformulate what comes to me from elsewhere!
what is the difference between imagining and inventing?
invent, the source is in you?
discover, one discovers something that is outside of you? but again Socrate said: know yourself, so there is a knowledge to discover about yourself, right?
either the pathology is very widespread and then it is very easy to treat. either the pathology is rarer and you must consult a specialist!
How to measure the happiness of a country? to the number of citizens registered in foreign embassies...The more there are, the happier people are abroad?
you don't want to be alone but it's the only way you've found to realize that you're not going crazy alone! (madness comes from others? Is it an external flow?)
what is impossible, a religious paradise or an eternal life in this life?
Is paradise an interior or exterior state, a state that we imagine in religion or an environment in which we want to live?
hit or shit?
estimate the risk (let the children play...): Are you going to commit suicide to get to paradise?
you are very intelligent, but how far will your intelligence go?
Until you get access to it and graduate with it!
I can protect myself from the rain under a weeping widow...(paronyme)
paradise among the living, we can do it, live it, paradise among the dead, only imagine it but sometimes the imagination differs from reality, nothing says that if we become eternal, the two paradises shall merge in the facts....
when a single party divides into two competing parties, it is because there were too many apprentice leaders at the start among the people or because the people were too undifferentiated, which prevents us from having the best leaders, right?
if everyone is a university graduate, then competition for a job is no longer based on the intellectual abilities of the candidate but on arbitrary criteria such as origin, age, gender, eye color, the profession of the parents, the network, right ?
I lead the ambient bullshit into the arena
the longer the war lasts and the losses are greater, the greater the risk that the Russians will use the nuclear bomb given the effort already invested in the war...right?
if you make people laugh, it is because you have discovered the mechanics of humor and the effect of laughter is ineffective on you since you know all its mechanisms...
I don't know if these people hate others as they love their lands?
I'm impressed by people who dare how to take risks, but not risks at the Casino!
a slave, when purchased, is expensive but then, when used, you do not have to pay him a salary!
Being affected by Alzheimer's disease is like emptying yourself of your substance, your content, little by little. only the shell remains
AI creates distancing from oneself and increased connection with others (i.e. AI) because it knows you better than you know yourself. For example, it tells you if you are left or right (depending on the leaders of the left and right but do they have the truth?)... what is the point of voting?
I want to read the cookbooks that star chefs pass on to each other and not those intended for mass consumption... (such books don't exist?)
in French, there is what is called a dictionary of synonyms but the figures of speech are also full of substitution figures, resemblance figures... that replace other words. For figures of speech, the dictionary of synonyms is an amateur's book, right?
I would love to get out of trouble on my own but I'm dealing with people smarter than me
living in a country is cost-free, really? for whom?
if you're a vagrant, you pay next to nothing and people pay the police through their taxes to watch you and the police is paid...?
you are the issue of a balance between the advantages and disadvantages: you are useful to the police and there must not be too many like you otherwise, it will generate additional costs for citizens through the taxes!
You must still pay something to live in your house?
if living somewhere always costs then we must always have a way to earn money, otherwise the country's propagating criminals?
to be integrated (to find his place?), you have to experience your environment, by doing this, do you modify a tiny bit your environment? ...you can't know it by sucking it on your thumb
he knows that she knows
but he doesn't know what she knows
-I like that it’s easy AND that it lasts a long time.
-...but the fact that it lasts a long time makes it perhaps not so easy
-hé, that's why I'm a good loser, losing doesn't require any effort or skill, you let yourself go, you lose, it's a win every time!
when a prophet tells the future, he does not project himself into this future...it is a future without him most often, right?
his words are worth gold: he speaks and they give him food, he talks a lot and they build him a house... (it would happen if he could expect the future with a high occurence)
the Bible, the Koran, is it the code of customs ?
La Bible, et le Coran, c'est le code des moeurs?
know yourself said Socrate
but I learnt more things from the others than from me?
j'ai s(a)igné sur le texte du diable
Do doctors reject suffering AND death or do fighting one means fighting the other?
one suffers without dying
one dies without suffering
are men the future of apes if we as men can not recreate apes? (also with machines recreating mankind...)
things very new get old very fast...?
in archaeology, what is old is very valuable
in technology, what's old is out of date
our cultural customs are the ancestors of our laws?
the vagina is the mold of the penis?
Par habitude, on revient à son habitat?
out of habit, do we return to our habitat?
Am I a work in progress?
I want to furnish my happiness, I don't want it to be an empty room
motus et bouche cousue
I would have liked to invent a process that accelerates the aging of wine for which terrestrial years count triple (the older, the more expensive)
it would make old wines cheaper, finally I don't know if the merchants would be happy with that invention!
the secret code complicates, the language clarifies? the program code solves complex problem and the human language solves legal problem almost always by coercion?
Does God pay in dollars or does He live on credit? (In God we trust)
let's hope that people are patient enough to let you live all your years and doctors are professional enough to restore you to health
the words of a judge can take away your freedom and force someone to feed you? (words for food) economy of the food, food for justice (there is plenty of food for everybody )
is the universe the universal container?
the universe contains everything but is contained by nothing?
Has Donald Trump with his repeated scandals tarnished the function of President of the United States of America? Even Putin has started to distance himself from Mr Trump, right?
if you have to choose between 2 options, do you prefer to be in your country for free or be in your house for a rent?
Gérard Depardieu a été mis en examen pour "agrégation" sexuelle !
(des mots et des mets): I open my mouth to let words come out and food come in. This place of passage is my business, (words against food, intangible versus tangible)
being together only makes sense if we are not all together because the definition of the whole is made in relation to those who are not with us, right?
we have their people but we don't have the land
we have their land but we don't have the people!
if you decode the language, you are not going to discover buried secrets about the creation of the universe, right?
I transformed my philosophy of life into soft metal to cushion and resist shock!
If there is no more random in life, there is no longer anything new that can happen, right?
The NVA, by proposing lists of candidates in the French-speaking part, is it engaging in foreign affairs policy?
the French language is a long-discovered secret code, right?
using money creates new money. it's like planting seeds, it makes even more seeds? economy, is it the deformed mirror of nature?
Anna Wintour impresses me so much that even when I watch her in a video, I don't dare to look into her eyes!
Hi Larry, it's Hillary
Do countries at war pollute more than countries at peace? In any case, in war, the decarbonation policy is obsolete...?
listen to the resemblance between: "I know this" and "I notice"
something makes me believe that progress has a limit that man cannot exceed since destruction is the opposite for me and has a limit, there is no endless destruction?
the French language is not read as a secret code that needs to be cracked, yet if one day a very complicated theory is to be discovered, it could be clarified into the French language...?
if you are hated enormously, your hatred in return must be like a shield, if you can hate even more, it becomes like a spear. Jesus takes the punches like he's a piece of rubber but he is not!
the modern woman doesn't need anyone
there comes a point when hating too many people is just beyond my strength but the appetite for destruction can last?
I find it hard to believe that all these years of illness have made me so stupid
I can't decide for you what you consider stupid or not but I can decide that you are stupid or not
rate- narrate
politicians. is "catering profession" they are feed with words
it's not for you, it's not you! it's for the disunited states
"it's wurst it"
before the independence of the Congo, the Belgians wanted the Congo without the Congoleses now they have in Belgium the Belgian Congoleses without the Congo
il y a des arnaques
au pays de Balzac...
the man is trustworthy because of his money and on the American banknotes we find: "In God, we trust"
there are wars, because people die following a chain commandement...first the soldiers, then perhaps the leaders...once the leaders are dead, we know the war is over.
the cycle of violence: at the start, man is weak, he acquires knowledge, he becomes strong, he tests his limits, finds the others who grows in opposite directions from his way, he goes to war, he gets injured, becomes weak again, he starts again to acquire knowledge, he becomes strong again, he goes to war...
sorting is the first step to an exit...?
meditation+action => medit-action
enseignant est un métier de bouche?
when I'm in a neighborhood, I have ambient thoughts (brain)
when I talk to a friend, I have words of friendship (mouth)
what you say depends also on your mood which depends on the context like a perfume...
we do not need to understand our happiness to enjoy it but to understand our studies to enjoy them !
there are different states of awakening which designate consciousness...?
technology will save me from my malaise, moreover, I am thinking of emigrating to Japan for my old age. At the hospital, the poor are entitled to their high-tech devices while the rich are entitled to a service worthy of the greatest palaces (Hospital + 5* Hotel= HOSPITEL)
workers from all over the world!
maybe we have all something to do here but nothing to do together
exodus: everything to do together but nothing to do here!
the borders: there is a moment when your knowledge no longer applies, it's the jungle, it works well for young people who are in the process of learning in a bountiful environment
there is nothing more faded than the word racism
here in Belgium
the last of the mohicans: if you want to be from here, you have to have the face of the mohican
racism is not something that develops alone, really is it something that has the form of an inner voice?
vertical fascism, horizontal racism?
maximum competition is war is destruction
competition builds and destroy ?
"lis le livre" est une allitération ! liaison de lettres
if competition does not exist at university, then it will be even tougher in professional life but with what rules, those more and more warlike ?
either your illness is accepted and then you are a diminished man or your illness does not exist and what you are capable of doing is really you!
the world is divided into 2 factions, the best & the rest!
the opposite of the Belgian motto: "Unity is strength" is a) I fight like a lion in a 1 against 5 or together, we are not Belgians
you pity THE workers but the workers do not pity YOU, is it a matter of workers or pity ?
the native Brussels resident, with me, he plays discreet (show your money first, it's like a poker game) but in the presence of the Germans, he is very expansive (I am trustable, I'll show my money)!
the woman when she lives with a slave, she feels less burdensome
I'm a wannabe Algerian, I know we don't have a good reputation as a whole (we don't get easily visa's)... but that's ok because I am a good person as an entity...?
RAS: rien à signaler ou retour aux sources
what is life but a long meditation?
God made no promises to me at birth like fairies do over princesses' cradles
fusion & metamorphosis are not the same...the fusion of two frog gametes does not give rise to a crow
I'd rather cry at home while it's raining outside
than rain at home and have to cry outside!
if you don't trust our currency, how would it get you to do a job you're paid to do?
are extremist parties in democratic countries actually Trojan horses of foreign powers?
those who increase when I decrease
those who prosper when I decline
are not my associates but my competitors
(and the government doesn't care because it taxes both)
your freedom ends where that of others begins
your freedom has no limits but that of others well...?
is he testing his freedom or his limits?
discovery+invention= progress
but not always for the best...?
the moors' mores (les moeurs des maures)
the slaves' slaves
customs precede laws?
our mores are designed so that our women know how to defend themselves without the help of a man...?
the Ancient Greek philosophers did not know marketing but that did not stop them from making their wisdom popular until today!
I propose that all those who are in favor of mixity wear the veil, men included. Mixed religions to make one great religion (fusion of religions) do not exist!
through technology, we make animals become like men (transanimalism), men like augmented men (transhumanism), animals acquire rights and we all become vegetarians
the more you get old, the more free time you have but not with the same stake
to burn a book is to constantly want to kill its author!
progress vs perfection
antinomy couple? at the infinite of times, progression reaches perfection or progression is a materialistic illusion? (if there is destruction, it was progress...?)
have we progressed too far for God not to have become anything other than a retrograde idea or does God progress with us?
if the government decriminalizes the sale of dopes, prices (+taxes) and quality will be under control ?
if the mafia's have power over the drug trade, prices will decrease....?
permitted but expensive vs banned but cheap ?
vertical facism...racism is not so vertical?
the prophets are always sober and inspired?
If trump says crazy things then it's like he's drunk
habit is like armor that supports us...habit is a habitat?
to say that finally we have all the eternity to understand something is absurd, right?
I don't think you tell the truth when you're drunk but "everything you said might be used against you" applies even when you are drunk
Ask your parents for instructions on life, not strangers, even if they are famous, they are still strangers!
by dint of thinking
you do nothing else
in the end, you only ruminate on your thoughts
in the void and they are not linked to
any action
if something belongs to the past, you can not invent it but you can find it
if something belongs to the future, you might well invent it because it doesn't exist yet
anti-semitism exists because we are all jewish idiots
were the people who have an end to them the first to have a beginning
like the Jews?
we will be the first and the last on Earth
I'm so slow I'll be dead before I understand myself! but understanding is a construction...of self, meanwhile you must build and understand yourself ?
Freud in Nigeria
when a therapy doesn't work
we change therapy, we don't change the context
choosing the context to feel good! it's more than just a therapy
the left ball is not the backup ball for the right ball! so why didn't nature make a big ball!
-he lies like he breathes
-i let others lie for me...
the origin of the pain and satisfaction is the same?
what is a feminist
she's a woman who screams "rape me" at the man she desires during the first meeting and who hopes that he won't run away!
the pregnant lady said: you are a fool, you didn't full me !
some errors teach us about good answers
they are worth taught
follow the changing
or be the changing that doesn't change
there must be a way to outsmart his own previous shame and to put new incentives instead in relation with experiences and intelligence
Now for sure, every time I read my online newspaper, I count the number of articles that talk about the war in Ukraine, are they increasing or not?
Brandon, give me some Brandy
Al Reddish
no radishes in the paradishes
do you prefer beauty on you or being attracted by beauty on her
since my father's death, I've been declassed in his country... while a prince becomes king, somehow a knight becomes a frog
go to the bathroom
right away if you're going to eat something bad for your health
don't use your stomach as a trash can!
if you do nothing, you can only loose yourself
if you do something more, you may lose something more
someone who wants to commit suicide has no patience for life
It's hard to be the observer and the observed when you wanna test a pill
racism can explain all your problems but it cannot solve all of them
Heaven: Imagine you there happier, that's it...
tueur en scierie, tueur en Syrie, tueur en série
happiness comes without effort, a toddler senses it but he can not put it into words
Has personality something in common with the color of the skin, if yes, is PERSONAlity superficial?
The percentage of Jews on the planet is quite well known, but what is less known and even taboo is the percentage of anti-Semites, which varies with place and time!
Why is mean things usually free? Because no one is going to pay to hear mean things said to them.
If you want to know the color of the chameleon when it is in danger, put it in an environment that is not its own!
Sometimes you know the truth, but when it's said by someone more important than you, it hits hard!
I can't go beyond my limits alone
when I jump rope, the obstacle is me!
a sick adult becomes a child without his parents
man is sometimes soft, sometimes hard
he is not infinitely strong
he bends or he cracks
I burst like a fried egg
If you don't do it for yourself, at least, do it for Jesus !
the more we would love each other
the more love would beat us all
it's sad that is it through love that gives life that AIDS kills us
you don't understand what you read
you don't understand what you hear
you don't understand what you see
there is an understatement to all this
black holes are the toilets of the universe
and stars are the night lights...
just imagine, once again an enemy
the more we love each other, the more it becomes strong and lethal...it ruins our unity
a bit like the AIDS virus
you can be pessimistic and optimistic
at the same time
because if it cannot be worst (pessimistic) it can only go better (optimistic)
someone who has them all is the king of the feminists
someone who has everything
needs nothing?
the opposite of the communist is the independent ?
if everyone becomes rich, what would be their party? the party of the independents?
I try to detox from poetbay
discovery: when it comes from Nature?
invention: when it comes from a human mind?
G-d and Nature remain silent
it hurts me to think
I can't buy God's time
but you make yours available to me for a fee
why are you looking at the light bulb?
Because the genie is in the lamp
I have the eye of Fatima
and Fatima has me in her eye
drink a coke if you're lacking coke
or a pepsi if you're lacking pep
choose between God or Genes
having someone else take a picture of you from above
look at the picture and see a man who will not let himself be diminished by himself!
I feel questioning : if you need a reason, you'll for sure find one, now it's all about the acceptance by the patient....
why European men don't wear veils to take the burden for the women ?
always making love
in the frame of the law
the most valuable time in a capitalistic system is the time belonging to those who earn the most...
an honor for a universalist cosmopolitan
being called all the names
being called all the races 🤣
"kind of white Chinese nigger!"
to be in peace and at pace, is all we expect for you...
Michaël Jordan is the King of Jordan-ia
endure today for what you did wrong yesterday...
in order to forgive yourself...
my joints are getting stiff
i tell you to articulate!
German "iced look" stare
no eyelashes language
the nugget for the chick
maybe it's food for the mind
but not all food are good for you!
Where are the people of my community amongst other communities ? Have they fled to other, more propitious places? Are they hiding in the shadows for fear of being identified?
best care or carefree
is my veil, an ally or an obstacle?
I kill the animals in the Zoo with a Ba-Zoo-ka
it's not because we wear the same veil that we are the same
there is a bigger gap between the veiled German and the veiled Belgian than between the veiled German and the non-veiled German Muslim?
different cultures even in the same country, same religion, multiculture plays the game of the religions
men should put on a veil in protest!
la jeunesse assiste impuissante, à la passation de pouvoir entre l'ouest et les Brics, elle est désorientée, invente des mouvements sociaux, suppose une indépendance voire une supériorité de la femme qui n'existe que dans l'imagination des féministes
le péché du capital
la varice
tu as attrapé la grippe? lâche-moi la grappe
virus de la grippe et virus de la grappe (mildew)
le vibromasseur est un sexe à piles (sex-appeal)
Tu comprends, les profs cotèrent leurs quotas
je revendique mon droit à la tristesse
you earn your living with money
you lose it over time
C, sea, see
au bord d'elle, au bord d'eau
for all the soldiers dead, the war is over
l'identité est une invention administrative...basée sur la ressemblance entre ce qui est sur papier et ce qui est vu
Martin nique et Martine niquait parce qu'ils viennent de la Martinique
c'était écrit dans leur pays!
t'as la mine des mauvais jours, t'as la mine d'enfer beaucoup
ô D.ieu
Porc avec de la laine de mouton sur la tête, porc déguisé en mouton
Moi, si le roi m’anoblissait en tant que marocain, je voudrais qu’il me nomme baron dans ma culture ? C’est Emir
Patron? Citron
Pas tronc ? Si tronc
saint spear (s'inspire)
We should not put all our eggs in the basket of science...
a jealous zealous zealot
Auvio, Auviol
don't force the pipe
suck yourself
Mr Honda had invented a wear-resistant engine with engine parts that were made of porcelain that did not wear out but they did not let him do it because this engine was too good...(dus not commercially efficient)
someone smoking a pipe is like sucking a breast?
luxe de pauvres, luxe de riches
mankind will forget faster the Nobel peace laureates than Hitler
I always put my upside down Christ around my neck when I have an orgy, dark deeds need dark faith
For the Pope, as an anonymous person, one exists only in a crowd
quand on te hait, c'est que tu existes
on me hait, donc je suis vivant
et même mort vous me haïssez parce que j'occupe encore vos pensées...
ceux qui me haïssent m'oublieront en dernier
je me sens aussi bien avec ce gars qu'avec un tueur en série dans l'atelier d'un boucher
si tu as honte de ta culture à l'étranger alors ne participe pas à son folklore dans un autre pays, tout seul, on n'existe pas pour les autres...
la definition des sons du mot se trouvent écrits dans le mot
esca-lier ou esca-lope
you heal when you pay....
because you're a rich economist thief treated by a shrink! you are a rich kleptomaniac
tu guéris quand tu paies....
parce que t'es un riche voleur soigné par un psy!
trouvaille, travouille
si t'es pas le chef des pauvres, tu es le plus pauvre des chefs
la fin du x se prononce comme s
do you want to serve as a man or as a tool?
lend me your waiter
lend me your tool for free?
vous pouvez avoir 5 ans, 10 ans, 15 ans, 20 ans, 25 ans d'expérience, il vous manquera toujours l'intelligence qu'il fallait avoir au début!
On a demandé au Lion, tu veux rentrer dans ton pays? As-tu vraiment besoin d'un pays pour te sentir chez toi ? Tu te prends pour le Roi ou quoi? On te mettra au Zoo.You don't always have to go where others like you or you'll end up in a Zoo
évidemment, si je ne travaille pas
je me sens pas à l'aise au café et chez moi c'est trop petit...?si je travaille je ne suis pas à ma place à mon travail...
you have a hard-on
we're going to bandage you
"the nurses who bandage"
t'as la gaule
on va te (fer) bander
"les infirmières qui pansent"
allez, tous aux fers, c'est offert
the carrot's rape and the carrots grate
On entre au paradis sur concours !
We enter paradise through competition because the seats are limited...
They made Ww3 , we are out of context
22, v'là les flics...33, v'là le docteur, 66..le diable arrive...
ce que tu cherches, jeune, pourquoi tu ne l'as pas trouvé dans des livres?
Un criminel américain condamné à mort a choisi l'euthanasie
Adalbert Tirouflon
au jour d'Huy
Les habitants de Huy sont-ils des huytres ?
sous les pavés, la plage
sous la plage, le plagiat
Saint Spear
I have a daughter, should I call her Marine or Stella?
they want me to believe that the origin of pizza is the food of the nobles
one day we will discover that the fricandelle comes from food for dog that has passed the sanitary laws
if you lack of support here, the question may be: where here becomes there?
we are dependent on everything that people know how to do that you don't know how to do yourself
you are told to adapt, it takes time to adapt...if what you want to adapt to is constantly changing, how are you going to adapt?
adapt to change or make people adapt to you !
compatibility not comptability
We don't know how to be true or natural in an environment where everyone cheats.
Tik Tok? TT scans all your posts then presents videos that only reinforce your opinions
If I was as wealthy as them, I would be making fun of the people like me!
hope, expectation, is necessarily believing in something that is not yet there, the optimist is resolutely turned towards the future...
in usa everyone looks at the idol, the star with surveillance cameras in china everyone is watched by AI
Turkey from India ou une dinde d’Inde
Besos a quoi dans sa besace?
yes, the rules or laws that forbid you from hurting others are not enough to make you an extraordinary being
even if the laws and rules are more and more difficult to apply
sorry to put the topic on the table Uncle Meridian
but your approach to women
with the way Lawrence B. does are slightly different
basketball players are a sporting elite based on height so it is partly unfair!
if we put the basketball hoop lower, they would not be the same ones who would be the best!
we become what we are: I was born with a professional deformation.
would i lose my words
if i were brought back to the natural state?
my words or my memory( my first words that I learned, papa, maman, Alberto)?
I want you to use racist arguments to prove that racism is bullshit through proof by contradiction 🤣
Thought must not submit: ULB motto!
And when we take medication, what do we do?
Thought is chemistry
does the name Barbara originate from Barbarian?
we are not responsible for the face we have but for the face we make...
although with mirror neurons, it is confusing
tell that to two boxers in a ring, they're not there to read emotion on the opponent's face, right?
We are imposters except when we play!
Who are we?
Love's a dance
The fight is a power struggle
why do you think that everybody like you?
focus instead on what people like!
complex men bring their sciences to complexity?
a simple man studying a complicated science faces a complex man who masters a simpler science...but do we all face the same things in the end?
To do a job is first to copy the ancien workers? But then actor is the common core of all jobs?
you don't get anything from losers
young French graduated people generally go to USA for a MBA and upgrade their diploma
the son of Yannick Noah (Joachim) went to the NBA
who gets finally the best paycheck ?
the error is a mistake but which professor would dig out a deeper sense from it?
He is a tortured mind, he will say everything!
le tue idee escono dalla tua testa come ti crescono i capelli
tu sei la pecora che deve essere tosata per ottenere la lana!
sei fortunato che le tue idee ci interessano
perché altrimenti finiresti sotto la lama del coltello
The brightness of a star in the sky does not depend on where it is but how it shines
To make her stronger, I fed her with the leftovers of what is given to lions.
The polytheists did not ask themselves if the stars were in their place!
the busker sings in the bosk
we take turns lecturing each other, when i'm wrong you correct me and when you're wrong you correct me
she didn't find a forest, she found a grove
we take turns lecturing each other, when I'm wrong you correct me and when you're wrong you correct me
le paradis est un pays avec un parti unique
on habite les lieux en les aimant
pas en les haïssant
real hate is not on the screen
it is in the audience
but the film draw attention
when all the hate is turned into the direction of the screen
fear makes you suffer
suffering scares you
you take asylums for meeting places and the psychiatrist for a marriage agent
I should drink my meal
I think, their tolerance will loose patience
why farting makes sometimes people laugh?
because he farts hilarious gas
and why the audience in a one-man show laughs quite automatically? it is because the supervisor injects hilarious fart gas in the public
Anonymous farters are rampant in crowded places. Their motto is: 'You can't tell them, but you can make them smell !'
i am wondering if we were all bisexual, would we
be attracted the same by women or men?
if I had an inner voice, it is made of words coming from a dictionary, those words are not connected to my unique DNA, probably that in that case, it would reveal strange informations, because a language is to share with someone, an inner voice is by definition for yourself and by yourself, it has something contradictory, your own language doesn't need a dictionary, it is purely intuitive and not conditioned
trust your voice but not too much, it can end dramatically, there is also the saying : in vino veritas and that has nothing to see with your voice?
we were dropped off there, in a green setting
man has a point of view on his own achievements and ends up giving value to himself but that does not make the cows moo, no there is love also
we bet that by listening to others, you will go no further than by listening to yourself
if you are famous, come unnoticed
if you are unnoticed, make the difference that no one can fill so you will tell I was famous on small differences
qu'est-ce qui ne se mélange pas?
les religions, les accents et quelques choses d'autre!
I became an artist to be known
I became known for being president (trump?)
to become eligible as president, you are supposed to already have achieved something important in your life...
I am a translator of primal communication : i translate the sound of tomtom in smoke signals and upside down
You can say: I want to terminate my Life but can you say as a spermatozoon, i dont want to be conceived
You need a coach or a couch?
The origin of the text message
the Indians sent smoke signals
and the African sounds through the tom-tom
These are the languages that are written without accents on the letters that have the most accents in pronunciation?
written accents, language accents, tonic accents
âtre, marâtre, saumâtre
â: a roof for the A ?
friends by the beard
mankind only need one kind of woman to fulfil all the men's lust?
the therapist, your mother, your husband, the triptych of love?
All the books have a title except the Bible (Read THE Book)
Sunday and Saturday are the strong-hand, not the weak-end
Is it possible to have a country where all the communists would be rich?
to surprise the AI with your questions, do you have to be unpredictable?
Hawaï you?
I am fine
L’habit ne fait pas le moine mais le château fait le gentilhomme
I can’t make a living on remorse
Maybe you think outside the box but you don’t think outside the skull
Please G-d, make us men necessary to humanity
we don't have the luxury to be superfluous
we shouldn't try everything that hasn't yet been done, we know by knowledge that some are lethal
replaceable in our race but our race's irreplaceable
they have made a test out of your life
if you stop defending yourself, you stop living
if I knew where to take my life
rather than writing poems that no one
does read
Trump: the dealmaker, he has made a deal with the Evil, make me president and I'll give you my soul and a battered country in return, isn't it what you want, dear Evil ?
Ils font de l’argent, nous faisons l’Histoire
they make you believe you need to be a genius to understand your life and if you don't understand the people around you, your genius is not enough to get by with others?
program for Trump's first day as president: taking aim at all those who opposed his re-election (judges, lawyers etc...)
day 2: release from prison all those who took his side
Just because you're unpredictable doesn't mean you have the potential to do extraordinary things.
in science, language tries to stick to reality, in politics, supporters try to stick to political discourse
it was his name
Trump the 14th of July lived a near death experience
I thought myself as a poet, now how much I have become a political rant! I can't be taken seriously anymore
some people who work on Tv and inform the viewers are not really at home
migratory bird that broke a wing while traveling between home and here: it's me
the most ridiculous traffic accident you can have is getting hit by an ambulance
why are the prices of cigarette packs constantly increasing? This is the price to pay to satisfy your vice
first we laughed at his jokes then we laughed at him
it's strange, one people being slave in Egypt and pretending to be the chosen one. is there a people which started the opposite way, in one direction there is a stake in the other direction, there is none!
I need a therapist: I am a killer who fears blood
so I was prescribed a Bloody Mary per day
if people don't have a second degree to understand, let them appeal to their third degree or else they are always missing a degree
Does a man who goes to see a sex therapist with his wife fantasize about a fine threesome?
if you imagine an object, you are making an economy instead of making it real
anti-Semitism: when everyone has to go home, there is a lack of space which is not lacking when people are dispersed!
Freud did not go easy on his patients, he was the first supplier of sex toys instead of letting find them a lover!
I told to myself that your tolerance would lose patience, that at one moment you would claim from me the air that I breathe, that I keep silent for the rest of time
while many becomes much, it brings confusion
FIRE! C’est nous les Allemands
don't drink the water coming from the sea
it's full of ashes of the dead bodies
where are the people like me where I live?
there is a stake when you can lose more than what you can win...
using the sole criterion of skin color to designate the enemies of white people: there is material for psychoanalysis. Fetishization of the color black ?
do we play chess against the world ?
can we think outside the skull, outside a place? Is thought always a content?
done, but haven't served
I am not classy enough to be part of the Anglicans
the difference between a multicultural world and a multicultural city is homogeneity. Indeed, in a city the space is so limited that people have to mix perhaps fuse, so homogeneity is higher...
we will change his relation to people but we won't change Brussel into an island
a child does not know when he lies, he mixes truth and lies in a kind of reverie
if we could invent what we wanted, we would make our imagination work at 120% so by inventing, we don't do what we want, we have to go through discovery?
the hugest container for mankind is the Earth
the smallest container is the family
one is headless multicultural, the other can be
if it is very small you must use a microscope
if it is very far, you must use a telescope
but never without your eyes
but if it is very far and very small, what will you use?
to be a believer, you must be certain that God doesn't lie at you, this would be the last hindrance?
emotions are moving
you think you are thinking in real time when in fact you are thinking in a delayed manner, do you think ahead of the facts?
one would like the form of Trump and the depth of Biden in one single man as president
so people have split their vote by 2, so after the votation, one will get only a tiny bit more than half of the result...
the entire world is including mankind, why do you want to include the world inside the walls of your city?
what is the merchandising of philosophy? what are its commercials? Only 100% food for thoughts and nothing for a dime?
G_d must smell the medicine because He is able to cure all diseases
I have perhaps more talent for commenting than for posting poems, am I thus better as a poetry critic?
between the Belgian of the year 2000 and the 5-year-old Brusselaar, this city (Brussels) is in perpetual facelift reconstruction
dogmatism to "ecolism"
the roots also die. the proof is that you no longer have hair on the stone and you lose your teeth
alone, you can't do much
but together, you are not allowed to do everything you want
you are the European Bank of Love
make a deposit on my account
gimme love, flood me with love
teach me how to love
so that I can love in return
you went to America to fulfil your dreams or to get refunded of your bad treatments in Europe, but that's not anymore how it works here, no pain no gain except for the privileged ones
we serve the soup to our people
it's too risky to count on miracles only
elected? perhaps, but to do what? to do the job no one wants to do?
sales must rise, not prices
wolves don't count sheep to sleep
faut pas confondre "santé mentale et sentimental"
to believe in oneself is to doubt
it is not with the prayers that you can avoid the bullet
tu marches dans mes pas, l'autre pas
If you knew how to speak before meeting a human for the first time, to whom were you talking to?
I love both sushis and rap music because they are raw
is heaven a kind of dope without overdose?
if racism is so developed in France, it is because the hatred between native French people is immense
psychology is not the depth of our personality, it is the form of our human nature
if psychology was an exact science
we would have no free choice to be other than ourselves
it's a dead crazy!
Pourquoi je me tais? si je parlais, on saurait que je suis fou, donc, en me taisant, je fais le sage!
Why I keep silent? if I was talking, everyone would know I am crazy, so by keeping still, I am wise!
(Trump wouldn't agree, you need to be convincing)
si la psychologie était une science exacte, on n'aurait pas besoin de liberté pour être soi-même ?
the numbers may be infinite
I know it
but my head doesn't explode
truly, I can contain a glimpse of infinity
my bed burns like a coffin being cremated
your enemies will start harming you again, even if it harms them because it is in their nature to do so!
management professions are professions which link efficiency to salary...It is not obvious that a good doctor is better paid than a less good doctor: what defines his salary does not particularly define his skills. ..
the school creates the standard
together we are the same but we are different between us!
do you need a telescope or a microscope to see a virus on Mars?
the machine is a handyman who has no ambition
the art is the experience of the philosopher
if a man is a good artist it depends on his talent but if he wants to become rich, it depends on his clients !
sometimes, copying is making a discovery
si j'avais un bar à Evere, je l'appellerais L'Everest
remembering all the names we had before arriving at today, going back in time is so synonymous with reincarnation...
wherever I go, no one is waiting for me
my name is May
my sisters' names are Avril and June
nothing and no one forces you to love...
love someone else as you would like to be loved ...does this have the force of law?
freedom is freedom in time and space...it is travel and eternity...
my name is May, May Nay
words and numbers don't heal
Haway, Hawaï, Hawhy
Racism is a type of antisocial behaviour that will not make us more intelligent, but that is not the goal looked for! but I do not live in society, society is made up of thousands of small societies, some of which I am part of
to live, when we grow up, is to move in the direction of abundance
when we get older, it's resistance against the time that flows!
if researchers discover a drug for Alzheimer's, this drug benefits both rich and poor
only the rich are treated better than the poor when the help is given by people
therefore scientific discoveries reduce the differences between social classes, poverty and wealth...
because otherwise, without a father, you will have to earn your privileges yourself
as a transgender, I can be whoever I want and it's not defined at birth...it's pure freedom
Elon Musk might say: "No! pure freedom is space travel"
they liked me because I was different
now time has deposited its sediment on my life, leaving me only a pale-faced shadow
the community of human lives
we think that there is a good reason to put down roots and a bad reason to be uprooted! The good reason to be uprooted is that you don't live in the United States...? What if you met a country that was a de-concentration camp?
if you devalue yourself by yourself
it's because you're not in your place or
that you have been uprooted!
I live with deep down an insecurity about life and people, which doesn't allow me to look to the future with serenity!
l'anagramme de Meuse est musée
I wished we would match through our poems
I always give my last bit of food to my dog. Even when it's good, even when I'm still hungry. That's why I call this end, the love end
“Please Sana, make me a coffee as black as oil”
Sayings of Saudi prince
inevitably, the author of a book is in cahoots with power (author-ity)
Just because you know me doesn't mean you know what I know.
you know your mother but your mother knows your father better than you know him
you understand without any problem that war is not a game. have you concluded that peace is a game?
well no! paradoxically, we play war because we have no risk of dying!
The devil doesn't have to be all-powerful to beat me, he just needs to be a little more powerful than me and there are lots of devils like that around the place...
how to contradict lies in politics? by other lies and mental illusions? by other even stronger illusions: it is the noise of the jackhammer which drowns out the noise of the vacuum cleaner
if you look after yourself you get better chance to succeed that if you look after the community...
better the success of a single person than the ruin of all
What would you put first to be eligible ? An autocrat in a totalitarian country or a convicted president in a democratic country
either nothingness does not exist and then there is nothing to say about it or it is so complex that we cannot say anything about it!
how can we understand that men have the same common origin and languages do not?
the translation of "yeah"...in French is "ouais" that is pronounced phonetically like "way"
If Trump is elected, should we conclude that the majority of Americans have something to be ashamed of?
Nature makes no waste or Nature is facist?
why is it politics that ends up imposing on us how to think? why don't we share a thought that is broader than the political thought that would dictate our customs and our ways of life?
the word must have been invented in several places for it to exist ?
the word has not a single same origin but exists mostly because of its first occurences ?
don't cling to something inside of you
you can't incorporate the having to the being
unless Elon Musk designs implants ?
Does nature always aim for more anarchy, a direction that human and therefore artificial laws want to reverse?
if race is something made for production (birth, work...) and consumption (wars, leisure...) then racism as a product, should have a marketing strategy!
I think I have made a mistake:"tout est dans tout" is an epanalepsis, the repetition, after a more or less lengthy passage of subordinate or parenthetic text, of a word or clause that was used before
and not an antanaclasis as said before!
when you play for the opposite team, is losing winning?
the brain is a high-precision mechanism that produces uncertainties and techniques to be accurate
there are fears that certain people have awakened in us, fears that lie deep within us and then there are externalized fears that we transmit like we transmit an illness to each other.
is there a common root between the word "trad-e" and the word" trad-ition" which we also encounter in life. By definition, words are inspired by real life... right?
either man takes the place of God on Earth, or that of chance...and above him there is no God, no chance...
pour moi, une espèce dépasse une autre quand elle peut recréer l'espèce qu'elle a fait disparaître par des moyens autres que l'espèce en question!
Exemple : L'AI est supérieure à l'humain si elle peut créer de l'humain que seul l'humain peut réaliser en se reproduisant pour l'instant !
in this city, the main culture is the shit culture
I have a sister called Avril and a brother called Averell
the Bible is an invention that tempts to hide their authors behind a creator that doesn't exist
if work is artificial, so are the holidays, right?
I talk like an ignoramus, I say ignorant things and I collect likes from ignoramuses
all the events that the journalists call "historic" are the events that will go down in the media or down in History with a capital H!
everyone has their place on the street but not all manifestations can occur in every regime...
what if it was all the language that was anti-Semitic*, designed as a far-right political weapon with roots and origins stigmatizing a community, a language of brown smurfs
*for instance: jewellery could have been an antisemitic word but is not (jewel doesn't come from jew) !
I believe that God reveals the most common psychological traits in men while math (not just math) reveals to you whether you are part of an elite perhaps... (I don't like the word elite because we are all necessary! Nature makes no waste)
Do serious people take you for a joke?
I had no choice, I had to study with the Bolsheviks: you can become a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer but on one condition, that you learn from the Bolsheviks your knowledge without borders!
but why?
but because the government which hosts this university is itself of Bolshevik extraction!
Do we become an added value when we have dual nationality? If so, are we taxed, taxed on the person added or only on the products?
no one should be cut out for studies, no one wants to become a professional student, right?
because men are not thermometers, they just feel the heat
pays-bas ou pays basque
Trump adapts to the mega-rich by giving them gifts and wants migrants, all migrants, to adapt to him (they have no possibility of being respected by force)
what if human skin was like a human bag that would hold all the liquids inside? I am holding myself
democracy is when politicians adapt to the population. Autocracy is when the population must adapt to politicians? Is the context ignored?
heat is a feeling, it is impossible to give the exact temperature of the feeling on your skin but only an interval of heat (statistical value?)
when I understand something new, I don't understand something that no one understand but I understand something that everyone already understood! (like a child not a PhD)
alone, we don't have the flaw of selfishness, right?
It is astonishing that a people who consider themselves the chosen people end up occupying the place of the scapegoat!
those who believe in God do not know exactly what they believe in; on the other hand, those who do not believe know exactly what they do not believe in but that doesn't exhaust the whole domain (if it exists) of God's existence, right?
Are there professions that are mocked by men and respected by God for its true human added value ?
Do you withdraw into yourself when you question your state of mind?
a war, a ward, award
je suis le régime (à l'eau) de Vichy (Célestin)
once dead, I'll leave my posterior-ity for the lucky ones to kiss it !
ne pas confondre: régime de bananes avec république bananière
the military industry wherever it is, are the subcontractors of foreign armies?
gluttony seems written in your genes, as for hunger, it's a phenomenon that comes and disappears like the surf
It's not that we have to overcome evil with evil like in a war, but to exhaust a delirium, do we have to live it to the end?
collect the voices of prisoners who have no right to any visible existence
you can't decline all the errors associated to you
without having the risk of being taken for an irresponsable, right ?
the more gaseous it is, the more statistical it becomes ?
the fine dining is a matter of gluttony not hunger, right?
when I eat in a fine restaurant, I start my second meal as soon as I ate my first one, because when we are hungry, we are ready to eat anything, we want the hunger to stop, not the gluttony to stop!
the fact of having the mind emptied of God and the empty mind with God (naming the emptiness in the worst case proves that at least we are not alone because God is a faith, a thought that is outsourced, right ?)
inflation is when goods become more expensive or the price of money decreases (you need more money than before...if the price of goods did not vary), these are both my captain, right?
if the universe was something like:
when we leave the container we enter the content etc... getting out a chamber through a door and entering in the same chamber through another door...
"Les politiciens ne font pas de Cartier"
j'ai du sexe mais j'ai pas de cul
Pierre Komsany
ce n'est pas parce que tu as du cul que tu fais souvent l'amour!
I do research on common sense, I am one of its specialists
Dopes transform a society which consumes products into a society which only consumes the mother of all products..."In dope, we trust (the president is a misguided chemist)"
Little or Lidl market?
cruelty is a sade-ness
what is normal today is consensus, that does not concern tomorrow's choices, right?
if you can think about emptiness, you are not so empty, right?
if you are sick of common sense, do not go and see a specialist of the common sense
if you don't know what everyone else knows, you know a thing or two about emptiness!
Socratic-al mind or so critical mind or so cryptical mind?
a delocalized and inverted (in)justice:
treated fairly outside their homes and unfairly at home, you could say that, right? When we move enemies elsewhere, we move conflict zones as for peace, we still have to invent it!
Chrétien, chré tien, crée-tiens
my dad and my mom had nothing in common
the fact that we can know why God punishes you makes me doubt that he exists...An animal does not know why we raise it in an enclosure!
no one wants their father to go see prostitutes except your best friend who her father visits in the evening in her bed!
Ce sont nos impôts qui permettent à la caste de politiques bruxellois de mener grand train...?
don't mix hermits and selfish people
since you didn't suck it off your thumb
as far as you can go inside yourself
That’s the farthest you can go with the others, right?
is it a dream, an invention ?
my recipe for happiness
to be happy, you must be able to be carefree
to be carefree, someone needs to care about you
I sell powdered water
air under vacuum
gaseous ground
and fire below zero degrees
don't link outrageously those following terms, Albert: students, breeders and lift groom
the students are educated, the breeders are fattening and the stars are on an elevator
je suis troublée, tu es floue
without a task to perform, you are free like air that is not used to blow in the sails?
Are all cultures the same? Are the most sought-after cultures those with the highest market value (culture is available in the form of commercial products: films, books, music, fashion, food, etc.?)
the ones that sadists don't like are consenting people because if they consent, then they are no longer really sadists
when you have been turned around like a pancake, when what you hid becomes visible and what was visible becomes hidden, what will be your value? a photo of you in negative! Confessors see life negatively.
pedagogy is what a student does not learn from a teacher but it is what allows him to learn.
all these taxes that we pay support the politicians and allow them to live from their lousy and incompetent policies
if competition produces better professionals, it does not always allow clients to access these professionals who are often reserved for an elite of society because in the end, everyone has the right to earn their living...and the rest must just pay and accept what he gets for the same quality of money.
I always believed that adults who had something in store for young people would find themselves in teaching
isn't "everything is in everything" an antanaclasis ?
In rhetoric, antanaclasis (/æntəˈnækləsɪs, ˌæntænəˈklæsɪs/; from the Greek: ἀντανάκλασις, antanáklasis, meaning "reflection",[1] from ἀντί anti, "against", ἀνά ana, "up" and κλάσις klásis "breaking") is the literary trope in which a single word or phrase is repeated, but in two different senses.[2] Antanaclasis is a common type of pun, and like other kinds of pun, it is often found in slogans.[3]
Is your doubt important enough to give rise to an experience from which you can learn something?
"à chaque jour, sa pathologgi"
in Australia, they limit immigration, in Belgium, the government solicits immigration. Australians have enough by improving the lot of those who are already there! The others don't have enough domestic wealth, Are previous generation immigrants in an ejection seat, right?
what I know does not come from me, I did not suck it from my thumb. Ultimately, I have memory, logic, emotional, language skills, etc. that reformulate what comes to me from elsewhere!
what is the difference between imagining and inventing?
invent, the source is in you?
discover, one discovers something that is outside of you? but again Socrate said: know yourself, so there is a knowledge to discover about yourself, right?
either the pathology is very widespread and then it is very easy to treat. either the pathology is rarer and you must consult a specialist!
How to measure the happiness of a country? to the number of citizens registered in foreign embassies...The more there are, the happier people are abroad?
you don't want to be alone but it's the only way you've found to realize that you're not going crazy alone! (madness comes from others? Is it an external flow?)
what is impossible, a religious paradise or an eternal life in this life?
Is paradise an interior or exterior state, a state that we imagine in religion or an environment in which we want to live?
hit or shit?
estimate the risk (let the children play...): Are you going to commit suicide to get to paradise?
you are very intelligent, but how far will your intelligence go?
Until you get access to it and graduate with it!
I can protect myself from the rain under a weeping widow...(paronyme)
paradise among the living, we can do it, live it, paradise among the dead, only imagine it but sometimes the imagination differs from reality, nothing says that if we become eternal, the two paradises shall merge in the facts....
when a single party divides into two competing parties, it is because there were too many apprentice leaders at the start among the people or because the people were too undifferentiated, which prevents us from having the best leaders, right?
if everyone is a university graduate, then competition for a job is no longer based on the intellectual abilities of the candidate but on arbitrary criteria such as origin, age, gender, eye color, the profession of the parents, the network, right ?
I lead the ambient bullshit into the arena
the longer the war lasts and the losses are greater, the greater the risk that the Russians will use the nuclear bomb given the effort already invested in the war...right?
if you make people laugh, it is because you have discovered the mechanics of humor and the effect of laughter is ineffective on you since you know all its mechanisms...
I don't know if these people hate others as they love their lands?
I'm impressed by people who dare how to take risks, but not risks at the Casino!
a slave, when purchased, is expensive but then, when used, you do not have to pay him a salary!
Being affected by Alzheimer's disease is like emptying yourself of your substance, your content, little by little. only the shell remains
AI creates distancing from oneself and increased connection with others (i.e. AI) because it knows you better than you know yourself. For example, it tells you if you are left or right (depending on the leaders of the left and right but do they have the truth?)... what is the point of voting?
I want to read the cookbooks that star chefs pass on to each other and not those intended for mass consumption... (such books don't exist?)
in French, there is what is called a dictionary of synonyms but the figures of speech are also full of substitution figures, resemblance figures... that replace other words. For figures of speech, the dictionary of synonyms is an amateur's book, right?
I would love to get out of trouble on my own but I'm dealing with people smarter than me
living in a country is cost-free, really? for whom?
if you're a vagrant, you pay next to nothing and people pay the police through their taxes to watch you and the police is paid...?
you are the issue of a balance between the advantages and disadvantages: you are useful to the police and there must not be too many like you otherwise, it will generate additional costs for citizens through the taxes!
You must still pay something to live in your house?
if living somewhere always costs then we must always have a way to earn money, otherwise the country's propagating criminals?
to be integrated (to find his place?), you have to experience your environment, by doing this, do you modify a tiny bit your environment? ...you can't know it by sucking it on your thumb
he knows that she knows
but he doesn't know what she knows
-I like that it’s easy AND that it lasts a long time.
-...but the fact that it lasts a long time makes it perhaps not so easy
-hé, that's why I'm a good loser, losing doesn't require any effort or skill, you let yourself go, you lose, it's a win every time!
when a prophet tells the future, he does not project himself into this future...it is a future without him most often, right?
his words are worth gold: he speaks and they give him food, he talks a lot and they build him a house... (it would happen if he could expect the future with a high occurence)
the Bible, the Koran, is it the code of customs ?
La Bible, et le Coran, c'est le code des moeurs?
know yourself said Socrate
but I learnt more things from the others than from me?
j'ai s(a)igné sur le texte du diable
Do doctors reject suffering AND death or do fighting one means fighting the other?
one suffers without dying
one dies without suffering
are men the future of apes if we as men can not recreate apes? (also with machines recreating mankind...)
things very new get old very fast...?
in archaeology, what is old is very valuable
in technology, what's old is out of date
our cultural customs are the ancestors of our laws?
the vagina is the mold of the penis?
Par habitude, on revient à son habitat?
out of habit, do we return to our habitat?
Am I a work in progress?
I want to furnish my happiness, I don't want it to be an empty room
motus et bouche cousue
I would have liked to invent a process that accelerates the aging of wine for which terrestrial years count triple (the older, the more expensive)
it would make old wines cheaper, finally I don't know if the merchants would be happy with that invention!
the secret code complicates, the language clarifies? the program code solves complex problem and the human language solves legal problem almost always by coercion?
Does God pay in dollars or does He live on credit? (In God we trust)
let's hope that people are patient enough to let you live all your years and doctors are professional enough to restore you to health
the words of a judge can take away your freedom and force someone to feed you? (words for food) economy of the food, food for justice (there is plenty of food for everybody )
is the universe the universal container?
the universe contains everything but is contained by nothing?
Has Donald Trump with his repeated scandals tarnished the function of President of the United States of America? Even Putin has started to distance himself from Mr Trump, right?
if you have to choose between 2 options, do you prefer to be in your country for free or be in your house for a rent?
Gérard Depardieu a été mis en examen pour "agrégation" sexuelle !
(des mots et des mets): I open my mouth to let words come out and food come in. This place of passage is my business, (words against food, intangible versus tangible)
being together only makes sense if we are not all together because the definition of the whole is made in relation to those who are not with us, right?
we have their people but we don't have the land
we have their land but we don't have the people!
if you decode the language, you are not going to discover buried secrets about the creation of the universe, right?
I transformed my philosophy of life into soft metal to cushion and resist shock!
If there is no more random in life, there is no longer anything new that can happen, right?
The NVA, by proposing lists of candidates in the French-speaking part, is it engaging in foreign affairs policy?
the French language is a long-discovered secret code, right?
using money creates new money. it's like planting seeds, it makes even more seeds? economy, is it the deformed mirror of nature?
Anna Wintour impresses me so much that even when I watch her in a video, I don't dare to look into her eyes!
Hi Larry, it's Hillary
Do countries at war pollute more than countries at peace? In any case, in war, the decarbonation policy is obsolete...?
listen to the resemblance between: "I know this" and "I notice"
something makes me believe that progress has a limit that man cannot exceed since destruction is the opposite for me and has a limit, there is no endless destruction?
the French language is not read as a secret code that needs to be cracked, yet if one day a very complicated theory is to be discovered, it could be clarified into the French language...?
if you are hated enormously, your hatred in return must be like a shield, if you can hate even more, it becomes like a spear. Jesus takes the punches like he's a piece of rubber but he is not!
the modern woman doesn't need anyone
there comes a point when hating too many people is just beyond my strength but the appetite for destruction can last?
I find it hard to believe that all these years of illness have made me so stupid
I can't decide for you what you consider stupid or not but I can decide that you are stupid or not
rate- narrate
politicians. is "catering profession" they are feed with words
it's not for you, it's not you! it's for the disunited states
"it's wurst it"
before the independence of the Congo, the Belgians wanted the Congo without the Congoleses now they have in Belgium the Belgian Congoleses without the Congo
il y a des arnaques
au pays de Balzac...
the man is trustworthy because of his money and on the American banknotes we find: "In God, we trust"
there are wars, because people die following a chain commandement...first the soldiers, then perhaps the leaders...once the leaders are dead, we know the war is over.
the cycle of violence: at the start, man is weak, he acquires knowledge, he becomes strong, he tests his limits, finds the others who grows in opposite directions from his way, he goes to war, he gets injured, becomes weak again, he starts again to acquire knowledge, he becomes strong again, he goes to war...
sorting is the first step to an exit...?
meditation+action => medit-action
enseignant est un métier de bouche?
when I'm in a neighborhood, I have ambient thoughts (brain)
when I talk to a friend, I have words of friendship (mouth)
what you say depends also on your mood which depends on the context like a perfume...
we do not need to understand our happiness to enjoy it but to understand our studies to enjoy them !
there are different states of awakening which designate consciousness...?
technology will save me from my malaise, moreover, I am thinking of emigrating to Japan for my old age. At the hospital, the poor are entitled to their high-tech devices while the rich are entitled to a service worthy of the greatest palaces (Hospital + 5* Hotel= HOSPITEL)
workers from all over the world!
maybe we have all something to do here but nothing to do together
exodus: everything to do together but nothing to do here!
the borders: there is a moment when your knowledge no longer applies, it's the jungle, it works well for young people who are in the process of learning in a bountiful environment
there is nothing more faded than the word racism
here in Belgium
the last of the mohicans: if you want to be from here, you have to have the face of the mohican
racism is not something that develops alone, really is it something that has the form of an inner voice?
vertical fascism, horizontal racism?
maximum competition is war is destruction
competition builds and destroy ?
"lis le livre" est une allitération ! liaison de lettres
if competition does not exist at university, then it will be even tougher in professional life but with what rules, those more and more warlike ?
either your illness is accepted and then you are a diminished man or your illness does not exist and what you are capable of doing is really you!
the world is divided into 2 factions, the best & the rest!
the opposite of the Belgian motto: "Unity is strength" is a) I fight like a lion in a 1 against 5 or together, we are not Belgians
you pity THE workers but the workers do not pity YOU, is it a matter of workers or pity ?
the native Brussels resident, with me, he plays discreet (show your money first, it's like a poker game) but in the presence of the Germans, he is very expansive (I am trustable, I'll show my money)!
the woman when she lives with a slave, she feels less burdensome
I'm a wannabe Algerian, I know we don't have a good reputation as a whole (we don't get easily visa's)... but that's ok because I am a good person as an entity...?
RAS: rien à signaler ou retour aux sources
what is life but a long meditation?
God made no promises to me at birth like fairies do over princesses' cradles
fusion & metamorphosis are not the same...the fusion of two frog gametes does not give rise to a crow
I'd rather cry at home while it's raining outside
than rain at home and have to cry outside!
if you don't trust our currency, how would it get you to do a job you're paid to do?
are extremist parties in democratic countries actually Trojan horses of foreign powers?
those who increase when I decrease
those who prosper when I decline
are not my associates but my competitors
(and the government doesn't care because it taxes both)
your freedom ends where that of others begins
your freedom has no limits but that of others well...?
is he testing his freedom or his limits?
discovery+invention= progress
but not always for the best...?
the moors' mores (les moeurs des maures)
the slaves' slaves
customs precede laws?
our mores are designed so that our women know how to defend themselves without the help of a man...?
the Ancient Greek philosophers did not know marketing but that did not stop them from making their wisdom popular until today!
I propose that all those who are in favor of mixity wear the veil, men included. Mixed religions to make one great religion (fusion of religions) do not exist!
through technology, we make animals become like men (transanimalism), men like augmented men (transhumanism), animals acquire rights and we all become vegetarians
the more you get old, the more free time you have but not with the same stake
to burn a book is to constantly want to kill its author!
progress vs perfection
antinomy couple? at the infinite of times, progression reaches perfection or progression is a materialistic illusion? (if there is destruction, it was progress...?)
have we progressed too far for God not to have become anything other than a retrograde idea or does God progress with us?
if the government decriminalizes the sale of dopes, prices (+taxes) and quality will be under control ?
if the mafia's have power over the drug trade, prices will decrease....?
permitted but expensive vs banned but cheap ?
vertical facism...racism is not so vertical?
the prophets are always sober and inspired?
If trump says crazy things then it's like he's drunk
habit is like armor that supports us...habit is a habitat?
to say that finally we have all the eternity to understand something is absurd, right?
I don't think you tell the truth when you're drunk but "everything you said might be used against you" applies even when you are drunk
alarian |
MY TEXTS, Archive 394 Texts
G-d, men and animals - 2024-11-07
the star is staring by definition (1) - 2024-11-07
roots (1) - 2024-11-04
the natural behavior - 2024-11-03
The animal farm - 2024-11-03
Nomad and made in... (2) - 2024-11-02
the best ones always leave first ! (1) - 2024-11-02
sliding worlds (1) - 2024-11-01
choose God or the genes - 2024-11-01
only (1) - 2024-10-31
statistics - 2024-10-31
La chicote - 2024-10-30
the laziest, the smartest (1) - 2024-10-30
the bug - 2024-10-28
discovery and invention, what's the difference? - 2024-10-27
Trump and Sarkozy (2) - 2024-10-27
prove that you are my son, kid ! - 2024-10-27
science and religion - 2024-10-26
the beekeeper - 2024-10-26
half-breed stump (1) - 2024-10-24
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