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21. 65) I will fall in Love again
22. 64) You are my dearest theme
23. 63) You Man
24. 62) Love with Different Faces (part2)
25. 61) Guilty can't sleep
26. 60) Wound of LOVE
27. 59) I am Sailing
28. 58) Your Friendship is a Treasure
29. 57) My Source of Delight
30. 56) Don buy me a Gift
31. 55) Miss you, Come back
32. 54) My Sister's Wedding
33. 53) Pain of Lost Love
34. 52) Micky's Day
35. 51) Voice of Iraq
36. 50) Thank you My Lord
37. 49) Sorry for your Friendship
38. 48) To Mom & Dad
39. 48) His Touches
40. 47) This is Love

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Wings of wishes
Poetry by
Amanda K

Amani M. Qudus