In memory of my father by Ann Wood

It's been nineteen years, since my father left us.
In 1998, just age 48 years old my father died.
You were a kind and loving father.
Say that time heals the pain becomes quiet.
But unfortunately, we still grieve for you dear daddy.
You will always remain in our hearts.
And we will never forget you.
You will always live in our hearts,
And mentioned you will never fade.
Rest in peace my father.
Forgive my mistakes unintentional.
Forgive me if ever I have offended you.
If I know that with my tears will set you back.
Then know that will cry a sea of them just to return my father.
Words can not describe the pain in my heart great dad.
What I would not give for just a moment so I can embrace you.
I pray the Lord Daddy if He can return you to me.
I would give my life just living to be you Daddy.
May God keep clean thy memory of you?
I know that one day we will be together again in a better world and time.
I want to tell you how much I miss you and love you daddy.
Bowed deeply and forever thy memory of you.

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 977 times
Written on 2017-04-18 at 03:00

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In memory of my dad
by Ann Wood