Our holiday at the sea side day five by Ann Wood
It is the morning of our last day at Devon, tomorrow we will go to Plymouth. It is nice and sunny day again. We have our breakfast and getting ready for the day. After breakfast I clean the table and get a shower. When everyone was ready we go out for walk and to the beach. At lunch time we were inviting at my grandma friend house for lunch. We get her a gift and flowers before we go to visit her. She was cook roasted dinner with roasted vegetables and salad. Mom was get honey cake from the Polish shop in the town. After the lunch they play party poker and I was watching TV. At 5pm we says goodbye to the lady and go back to the caravan. Mom start cook our dinner and we play domino with my grand parents. At 6pm I take the dog for walk on the beach and go to the corner shop for the evening news paper for my grandpa. I also buy some milk, yogurt and bread for breakfast in the morning. When I back at the caravan we get ready for dinner mom make paella with the fish what left from last night. I and my grand parents go for walk until dinner is ready. We back at the caravan haft an hour later, the dog were happy from the walk. Dinner was ready and starts eating. After we finish our starter and main meal we have water melon and cup of tea. When we finish our dinner I clean the table and get the pub quiz and we have a quiz night. Two hours later we put a DVD on and have a nice movie on. Mom makes some pop corns and gets us cold home made lemonade too. We have very late night, after the movie we play monopolies and singing old country songs. Finally at 1:30am I go to bed because I was so tired, but before that I take a shower to cool down my body temperature, it was so hot today. After my shower I get ready for bed. I get fast asleep I was so tired; I was have a dream that night about my daddy. I miss him so badly. He was very good father, husband, son and brother. All his friends from school and work were on his funeral. People say that I look like my dad, have same skin, hair and eye color, like he was having. I believe that he is a good Angel in the Heaven. Like he was when he was alive.Short story by Ann Wood
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Written on 2017-05-24 at 20:36
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