
Sunlight Sheds

The day is cold and filled with frost
Ice nice and thick so chilled and lost
Souls meander around a glaring empty glass
Doomed to wander into walls not a door to pass
Now Night fades in sunlight sheds an afterglow
Dragon red bars blend chiarocuro
Let us all pretend what we do not know,
When is Now? Wait and see the mindless sound
Then somehow what will be we have not found
Doomed to wander into walls not a door to pass
Souls meander around a glaring empty glass
Ice nice and thick so chilled and lost
The Day is cold and filled with frost.

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 731 times
Written on 2018-02-26 at 13:28

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Book Of Night
by Chaucer Whethers