Music: The National Bank - Tolerate
"If what you believe in is so sacred, then you cannot love me anymore"


In the quest for avoiding erosion
yet loving the beauty in each person she loves
and not falling into arrogance..

He looks at her

sees her as trapped in an archaic structure of belief
attempting to free her into his arms
so he can become her new faith

only to be left as another of his conquests
that he in passing boredom
truly loved

She smiles to him
avoids his every attempt to touch
words being her way to connect to him

sees him as trapped in an archaic structure of tradition
and beautiful models of logic and systems that he can change at will
to suit his every whim and desire - so as to never feel any shame

In the quest for avoiding erosion
yet not becoming embittered by every lie served to her
every action they are capable of that makes her shudder
nor becoming afraid to love

In the quest for avoiding erosion

the real quest is for honesty and true love and friendship

and erosion can deal with itself

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1080 times
Written on 2012-01-26 at 02:09

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I really love the structure of this
Great use of words


by SecretWords