Nuts and Chocolate

I want to feel the calm knowing of reality

in other words
I want to look into your eyes and just be whatever it is we are
and feel how beautiful I think you are
this is not about me

I want to leave behind the nervousness of everything that didn't happen
because it was too early
everything that might happen
that I fear for a myriad of polarized causes
everything that spins my head into circles
then stops it dead from going in any direction

I want to feel the strength I've had before take over me
mastering my life
allowing room for my passion for this road of knowledge
I keep trying to choose for myself

In this place I am not free to think
where I fear past and future - thereby paralyzing the present


I am nuts
please ignore me for the time being
and just hang out with me and know and share
fortunately my nuts crack themselves over time

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1301 times
Written on 2012-02-03 at 15:24

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
: )


by SecretWords