Music: Daughter - Youth
Inspired by the memory of a dream I had when I was twelve of dragons.


I will not feed this bitter fire inside me
threatening to rot away my heart
and everything that makes me

I will whisper in cold and hot nights
those drops of ice curled into words of soothing
those gentle flames tamed into words of love
and let them flow through my veins
urging my heart and mind
to continue to vibrate and echo
what makes me feel so alive

to curb the fearless and beautiful dragon I ride
and temper her
to the thirst quenching flames
of those whispered words

so she may rise higher
than she would without her rider

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1235 times
Written on 2012-03-07 at 23:59

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
This speaks to me in so many different ways - too many to share right now.

Thank you.


by SecretWords