Drifting Downs

When I throw in the towel don't worry it won't be loud
Falling soundlessly slow may it soften
Like clouds of cashmere I'll drift down a veil or shroud
Such as falls seldom ever so often
Dreams whither as may of supernatural intent
Wonder which has went and spent such pent of whether
List yon wistful yen of yore, ken ye now where was went?
Concerns dissolve in solvents very portent for refrains
Cloths to soak the river banks ever after when it rains,
Falling soundlessly slow may it soften
Drifting downs a veiling shroud
Such as falls seldom so ever often
When I throw in the towel it won't be l o u d . . .

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1360 times
Written on 2013-10-17 at 20:11

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The Pan Asea Caper
by Chaucer Whethers