i have lost it. i dont think i can help myself.


I've become so numb
the seriousness has caught me
I am losing my mind
there is nothing that can help me

my anger has reached a point
I am laughing hysterically
punching walls for no reason
my friends worry completely

I shake in fear and anger
angry at the lies
fear of the destruction
fear of losing all ties

I can't calm myself anymore
nobody's safe anymore
total control is lost
I am now torn

Poetry by Mark Reynolds
Read 868 times
Written on 2006-05-11 at 17:13

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Kathy Lockhart
But you write!!!! You have an outlet, you are using it, never stop using it. write, write, write, whether is makes sense or does not. It all does in the end. so just write, my friend continue to write. Expression is purposeful and mighty. You have some control. Craziness is not a bad place all the time, it gives us freedom from conformity. Use it to your advantage. You are helping yourself and so many, many others. Hugs from me, a little crazy myself, to you who is creatively crazy. Love the freedom of it. You will only get better and more comfortable with your moods. Kathy

i hope that you get better i really do but if you ever need to talk about anything i will always be here for you!!!!! :)
amber lynn