The Rise and The Fall

Rise and rise
Energized by an emancipated heart
Weightless as a bubble
Blissfully floating
Mounting the steps of the wind
Destined to the cloudy heights
Unaffected by gravity
Trapping golden rays
Splitting them into multiple color pigments of exciting emotions

Fall and fall
Weighed down by a burdened heart
Sinking toward:
The void
The wilderness
The barrenness
The emptiness
The loneliness
The darkness
The bottomlessness
The meaninglessness

Rise and fall
Like breathing lungs
Like the fluctuation of emotion
Like the crashing waves of the Beach
Like the unevenness of a hospital cardiogram

The Rise swells the joy
The fall punctures it

The Rise is so the fall can be
The fall is so the rise can be

Poetry by Alfred Iwerebor
Read 808 times
Written on 2006-05-17 at 14:08

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Malin Johansson
I wish I could rise spectaculary... this poem is very strong, I like it...
Rgds Malin