April 12, 2017.

thank you, universe

I wanted the tips of your fingers to dance along my body,
your lips to write small bits of poetry along my neck-
I wanted your palms to read mine as we held hands on the boardwalk.
I wanted your words to make mine make sense.
But your fingers were crooked,
your lips chapped,
your palms cold to the touch,
and your words practically nonexistent.
I  wanted your eyes to see me.
I wanted someone to notice how hard I was trying.
I wanted your arms to drape themselves around me like a comforting blanket.
I wanted to feel alive as I lay dying.
But your eyes were blinded by Autumn fog-
Your arms around another's waist-
Your kisses leave road marks
and even your innocence likes to misbehave.
I wanted to believe in you.
Not like a religion, not like an opinion-
But like a wayward dream that keeps a person holding on
even if it means failure and loss..
I wanted us to dance to Sonic Youth in the middle of the kitchen.
I imagined what movies we'd watch at three in the morning
and how you'd fall asleep before me, and I would just smile at the leaking ceiling.
Thanking the universe for whatever I did right to get that moment.
But suddenly my music stopped playing.
Every movie I owned was split down the middle, cracked and carefree
and you fell asleep days before I did without even dreaming of who I was.
I bet you thanked the universe that you wouldn't have to waste any more time loving me, huh?

Poetry by aidan haskel The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 961 times
Written on 2017-08-06 at 22:19

Tags Love  Romance  Pain 

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, Aiden, welcome to our poebay. Here we are all the same all are equill. Hear we write to be read by those who read. We all have the same pastan, a pashan to express our selfs in words. I am dyslexic, I and other dyelexics, all like all hear on poetbay, have a love, a need a wont, desire, to write. So Aiden, you are as one with us none dyslexics, and dyslexic, hear we are as one. I, we welcome you to beeing a member of our poetbay. :)
ken (d williams)