Cacophonical birdscreams

Sunset in winter playing tricks on my mind
thinking of nothing at all for a while
searching for something that we'll never find
the lines of her face conform in a smile
as the noise of the cars that are humming outside
going from nowhere to somewhere else
remind me that I have everything to hide
I'm silent as I hear what she tells

She tells her tale as buildings collapse and collide
and the world that we knew disappears
we are talking in silence, we are waiting for the tide
as she tells me of all that she fears
and the people in the street are walking in a daze
as the screaming of sirens greet the day
I'm drinking my tea while the world is ablaze
and my mind is in utter disarray

The failing glow of sunset dances on the table
Dark music floating through the air
The song we haven't sung yet, even though we were able
The rays of light are caught by her hair
She sips at her tea with a hint of a smile
As reverie carries her away
We listen to the deafening silence for a while
As everything is fading to grey

Her story moves on as planes crash in the street
Floating past the window of my eye
She continues her tale, it is ever so sweet
As the sun begins to fall from the sky
The armies of the ocean are amassing for attack
Slowly, our minds are loosing ground
As the shores are failing to hold the water back
We are loosing the purpose we had found

Sunshine sparkling in her eyes as we forget our fear
And laugh and drink another cup of tea
We laugh at the terrifying stories that we hear
That the land is usurped by the sea
We smile at one another for no reason at all
we laugh as apocalypse draws near
we smile at one another and ignore the final call
we know that there is nothing left to fear

Poetry by Lalando
Read 573 times
Written on 2006-05-31 at 15:21

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Pamela A Lamppa
This reads with a lilt and some pretty good rhythm. Lovely tale, excellent message. A pleasure to read. ~Pam