on this day

13 September 2019

Very thankful for a gift to get this account a heart for another year.
Perhaps the server problems will not be dramatic and the investment would allow me to continue to share words that have been written.
It is my brother's birthday, so yay!
It feels good to be able to do something at will.
Perhaps, this will be a step forward into living this life that has been given to me.

Diary by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 551 times
Written on 2019-09-13 at 05:23

Tags Blogging  Journaling  Diary 

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
It is 2022 at this writing and as it happens a gifting of another year of the heart of the bay is allowing me to write and journal here again. It is past the Covid interlude and high time to pick up where it left off.

30 September 2022