see you in September

14 September 2019

Ms K wasn't feeling well today. It must be the change in the weather. All of a sudden the punishing heat of this humid summer has given way to much cooler weather. There is also that sudden release from now completed term end assessments and scholastic requirements. Perhaps it also rounds off the picture that Ms K has been enrolled at two schools at the same time. So much pressure.

Now that summer has officially ended, it's time for a minute break. At least from distance education which will start up again in a fortnight. It being the end of the summer holidays, there is also the matter of mother's birthday. Tomorrow she turns 80. Could hardly believe it! She has always been 34 in my head. Time has gone it way, both merrily or otherwise. With my brother turning 40 yesterday, it has certainly been an eventful September, however banal these days may have been.

The years have been both cloudy and swift. And each time September comes along, there is to be found again, the root and branch of my thought and emotional beginnings. Some 12 years ago, Ms K became a part of the fabric of this life. Hope she feels much better in the morning. And while some people have Paris, we shall most decidedly have September.

Diary by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 598 times
Written on 2019-09-14 at 16:13

Tags Blogging  Journaling  Diary 

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
We still haven't got Paris and we still have September, apparently. It has only just turned into October, depending on which part of the time zone you are at at this typing and posting. The server timestamps it one day for a few hours while it is already the next day on the encoding end. It is a curious feeling being in between the zones and nowhere else in particular. That's the closest one could be to time standing still. And in that moment there is a stillness that can be harnessed, or so it is offering to be.

30 September 2022