Unshakable like a mountain


"Transcendent knowledge is beyond

thought, word, or description.

It neither arises nor ceases,

like the identity of space.

It is the domain of individual,

self-knowing wakefulness.

I salute this mother of buddhas

of the three times."

Shantarakshita (In praise of Prajnaparamita)



 Not mental at all




the natural stillness


among the waves that rise and fall


Knowing that is neither coming nor going


Unshakable like a mountain


Free like the sky


Reason rests 






Love dances



Poetry by Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 361 times
Written on 2020-06-02 at 14:54

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Just sheer pleasure to read. Especially in our current lockdown situation.