Oh, the irony of hope.
she made me remember of when you were there.
Open and beautiful in the sunshine and air,
but then I remembered that I no longer care.
Then I saw the second one there,
and at her I found that I could only stare.
She was poised and proud, just standing there,
and then I remembered I should no longer care.
To each one I went and spoke to the ear,
praised the beauty they had offered to share.
The stirring within me then brought me despair,
because to you, this beauty, I thought to compare.
The two that stood in their glorious fair,
on stems the blossoms stood here and there.
In your name I gathered the blooming pair,
and then let them wither in the summer air.
The last two flowers I picked are there,
shortened and shriveled because life is unfair.
My love for you and the flowers compare,
as for neither now do I bother to care.
Poetry by Bonehead83
Read 171 times
Written on 2022-08-21 at 13:36
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The Beauty of Hope
She stood so tall, slender and fair,she made me remember of when you were there.
Open and beautiful in the sunshine and air,
but then I remembered that I no longer care.
Then I saw the second one there,
and at her I found that I could only stare.
She was poised and proud, just standing there,
and then I remembered I should no longer care.
To each one I went and spoke to the ear,
praised the beauty they had offered to share.
The stirring within me then brought me despair,
because to you, this beauty, I thought to compare.
The two that stood in their glorious fair,
on stems the blossoms stood here and there.
In your name I gathered the blooming pair,
and then let them wither in the summer air.
The last two flowers I picked are there,
shortened and shriveled because life is unfair.
My love for you and the flowers compare,
as for neither now do I bother to care.
Poetry by Bonehead83
Read 171 times
Written on 2022-08-21 at 13:36

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