Losing Him

She cries bitter tears
Alone, in the night,
When sleep avoids her
And dawn's too far away
But never, never lets him see
The falling splintered shards of despair
From her sorrowing heart.

She sees each day
Pixel by pixel
The slowly fading image
Of a personality
Once so sparkling
Warm and gentle
But now so passive.

Yet still she keeps trying
To win a smile,
She keeps trying
To make him laugh,
That beautiful laugh
That captured her soul,
When they were starry-eyed lovers.

Poetry by Marie Cadavieco The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 226 times
Written on 2022-10-06 at 22:09

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
What was
Still is
In Memories
That never
Goes away
Smiles that
Only you to
Know why you are smiling
Ken D.

jim The PoetBay support member heart!
This is deeply moving, the loss is palpable, undeniable, and touches me as I remember a friend who disappeared that way.