from a conversation with our urban duck here at the bay.

café poetics

I see a beauty in the capacity and experience of carrying on a conversation with a complete stranger, eyeing the erosion of alienation and the taming of suspicion and the rather slow but fulfilling process building bridges of trust and faith which the world has so little of to start with. And what an awesome place to begin, at a café.

I also imagine the shop keeper to not be mindful of a néophyte or a connoisseur when it comes to coffee or conversation. Literature is lived and learned first outside of educational institutions. Again a bridge can and is being built by a team of language users from varied backgrounds from the remotest habitations to the most sublime of ivory towers.

Diary by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 116 times
Written on 2022-10-13 at 04:45

Tags Galateus  Crypticbard  Arkayye 

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