Cruel Enemy

The painful reality
Was how to live with
What is left of him.
Now the pain is too great
To contemplate
As I face this new reality:
To live without him.
How can this be?
I thought by my strength
I could keep us
Forever as one.
I was sure my rage
Could keep even the last
Cruel enemy at bay.
This, then, is the true tragedy
Of life, and ever will be,
That even the purest love
Is tainted by fear
Of the final unintended

Poetry by Marie Cadavieco
Read 230 times
Written on 2022-10-26 at 01:26

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Some poems are hard for a dysfunctional dyslexic like me,
This one struck home. Life can be an unintentional cruel enemy. I too have felt that painful finality of reality as it crept up on Me, As most of us oldies have, thanks for posting my thoughts go with you, regards Alan x

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
A poignant piece, this, Marie. I think more fully understood by those of us of advancing years.
I have always said that it seems to me that One's horizons were almost limitless when young, and then gradually over time, One sense a grey rolling mist of indeterminate depth in the distance. And my God do I understand how you feel. Yet I am certain that LOVE is indestructible: Over time it might evolve as circumstances dictate, but is always, always there.

jim The PoetBay support member heart!
"Cruel" *is* the painful reality.
My thoughts are with you, Marie.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Those we have loved
Who loved us
That love is always
Continuing on and on
Ken D.