for November

It is the beginning of another month and it marks the wind down for this calendar year, 2022. At least it does for me. I am wondering at this juncture where the conversation and dialogue has gone here at the Bay.

On other sites there is much more chatter around and about the posts. It also has come to my attention that in the early days of the Bay a whole lot of younger folk made this their go to for poetry.

And with the changing of Seasons they gradually moved on with their lives and this type of poetry interaction eclipsed. Then came the era of silver haired wisdom and then lockdowns and restrictions.

There is also a lethargy these days, that of communication and interaction. Perhaps it shall again change. Because the days are shorter and the nights getting longer, and activity from the southern hemisphere is not what it used to be (it's Spring there at this writing).

For now I shall continue to write, post, and respond to other poems and hope for the best.

Diary by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 120 times
Written on 2022-11-02 at 14:45

Tags Galateus  Crypticbard  Arkayye 

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