What was November like?
It has been quite a strange month. The change in clime was quicker and more intermittent than usual. Living away from home is never easy but with all that is and has been happening it is a bit more challenging.Where we currently sojourn there is a rather belated typhoon season and with that the autumn colours have also burst out and the cold has come and gone.
Perhaps winter will be colder and perhaps there will be more snow than usual. But all the unseasonality is not very consoling nor assuring. Perhaps this has also reflected in the writings of this month.
There is also that silence in the writing and sharing process that one begins to get used to with online publishing. People have not reached out as much as they did in the past. And rather than ruminating on the possible causes for that writing and commenting shall continue for however long that will flourish.
But November is over and done with. A new month begins in the morning and there is tomorrow to look forward to.
Diary by arquious
Read 160 times
Written on 2022-11-30 at 03:47
Tags Diary  Journal  Arquious 
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