Conflict or alignment

Fight or Struggle

What is this fight

we fight?

To fight with other people

and be a bully and rough shod the boundaries

Thats high voltage conflict.

It gives you an immdediate pass through

but to rule over ruins.



Or the fight that we wage with ourselves

to push ourselves

by sheer will power

to achieve our goals.

Is there a conflict here

or an alignment?


They say a plot moves on conflict

the conflict is the central point.

Is  it so, indeed?


And then

who are those

who take a stand

a stand borne out of their own conviction

the advocates, the activists, the leaders


The leaders are of  types too

the visionary ones who chart their own course

-the scientists.

They burn for they see

and rare few in politics who fight the might, come what may

the ones who take a stand and show who they are.


The activists live for you

and they will take a stand for you

and could go to any lengths to protect you

these are our parents and friends and our loved ones

and the ones you read about who are in jail.

they could die for you too.


The world does not like them

they are difficult to understand

why would you feel for a cause

of someone unrelated to you

forgetting, they align with the cause.

The world feels threatened 

by them- people who love.



Then there are the advocates

your authorised representatives

who you hire because 

navigating the law is overwhelming

and draining 

and why would you waste your 

one precious life standing in a courtroom

just waiting for your turn

to ask for justice

to wait for it

when you have clearly moved on.

You are willing to put up a fight

for they will fight for you.

The saviours

for they save you for yourself.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 158 times
Written on 2022-12-19 at 10:06

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I read this a couple of times. 10/10. What more can I add. Well written.