The Power Of "Someone"


Elvis Presley was a game

that all of us and Elvis Presley played

You are a game that you play,

all the time,

or... almost all the time

I play you sometimes, maybe,

if you stress the words

a little differently!

The sole moment I don't play me

is the second I wake, some mornings,

when I don't know who I'm supposed to play,

when I don't know anything about a game, even;

that split second when a something reflects everything,

without intention, without the ball and chain of self awareness,

that straitjacket of step by step identification with an idea

that dresses the free world in armors of concrete and marble

and a mindless fear of death

In that passing morning moment I don't even grasp for me;

I have no questions and nothing to express,

no demands, no desires;

I am nothing, but I am everything

It's a pre-identity space,

almost immediately blurred out

by myself crowding in on me

and all of a sudden I click in to that slot of I,

and that day is hijacked

by the power of someone,

the power of being someone

The show might go on...

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 113 times
Written on 2023-01-18 at 16:04

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