Between Here & Now


I couldn't foresee,

didn't plan

- but like breathing,

I accept;

like heartbeats,

I come on;

like the succession of days

I find a good rhythm

and let life happen,

in amazement and orderly manners

in the speechless realm

between here and now,

accepting gifts, casting shadows,

stacking numberless versions

of myself

in diaries and undeniables,

feeling myself approach in fullness

and entirety,

cleansing myself thoroughly of dust and dirt

and thoughts

to become acceptable

to whoever I am

when I meet


I find that what I misinterpreted

as being half-lifed

indeed reveals a double-life;

blessings x 2,

keeping my gaze undisturbed,

mind ajar, attention attentive,

all nuances exciting on all wavelengths,

when waging peace

in ruthless acts of refrains and abstains,

language languishing into unexpectations

at time o'clock sharp;

mainstream cafés fully lit and peopled;

the forests out in winter silent,

with shoulders down,

experiencing everything at a distance,

knowing not what to expect next



Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 158 times
Written on 2023-02-17 at 11:30

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