The Inevitability About It


To even remotely grasp this world,

or realize the impracticality of this,

you have to see Bob Dylan grow old


You may think you have, but have you really?

I have


The inevitability about it is stunning,

albeit gradual;

names dancing like confetti

through forgetfulness...

Talking New York;

One Too Many Mornings;

Black Crow Blues;

Gates Of Eden;

From A Buick 6;


Buckets Of Rain;

Duquesne Whistle;
Crossing The Rubicon


...while I play my identity

and the universe

as best I can,

from an indeterminate place in space


Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 109 times
Written on 2023-02-18 at 16:39

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