A wonderful Man

A tin hat, scarf and gun,
Sweating his arse off in the Burmese sun,
Malaria saved the day,
They took him away,
Hospitalised, piss pots and hay,
The forgotten army,
His mates falling in the jungle,
Who never made it home,
My lucky Dad, ill in bed,
Thin as a lard,
Late back from the war,
My Dad was a Chindit,
A Chindit who told me once,
That fucking Churchill,
“He sent us there with no back up”
He went on to say,
“We would have shot that bastard,
And make no mistake”,
My Dad was told he was a volunteer,
But he wasn’t told that at the time,
The history books tell of a wonderful man,
The Right Honourable Sir Winston Churchill KG OM CH TD DL FRS RA
My Dad would have shot him,
Just to put the records straight.

Poetry by JohnJohn
Read 150 times
Written on 2023-03-03 at 17:22

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I can't argue with the poems story, my dad was in the navy, and he once said that there were two occupations that disliked Churchill - miners and sailors - and he was both.

That said, we often look at history through the wide end of a telescope - in hindsight. At the time of Chamberlains fall, there were two contenders to replace him - Churchill and Halifax (the preferred candidate); if the latter had won, he would most probably have attempted to make peace with Hitler.

The result of that is that none of us would now be here to disparage Churchill.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
My grandfather Jo Willams landed on the beach called Cap Heles at Gallipoli, Dardenls, the lads called it ' The Bloody Dardenails '. The beach soon became renamed Cape Hell. Were grandad, Jo's baptisam of war. One of Churchill's many follies! Granddad Jo, were, never impressed by ' Bloody ' Churchill
Ken D.Williams

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
They portrayed how brave Churchill was,
By him walking across some barbed wire.
What they didn't show was the squadis,
That was ordered to lay across the wire,
So he could walk across them.
Regards Alan

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
More and more politicians are being exposed. I'm with Jim on this one. The only thing I can add is that this is a telling poem! You know what I mean?
My dad died as a direct consequence of his involuntary 'preferred occupation' during the self same war during which your dad formed his opinions.
Blessings, Allen

jim The PoetBay support member heart!
I am so glad I read this poem. The truth is hard to come by, this is a hard truth which needed to be said (written).
