Deliverance from Old Time's Sake


I feel broken, discontinued,

when the migraine aura strangens me,

but also delivered out of semantic chains

and an all too comfortable identity

with a loose fit,

let out of old time's sake

and a smelly common sense,

to experience the precipitous selflessness

of being per se,

lost between the signpost of a name

and the force of blind time,

all haste rendered obsolete,

duration taking its good time,

inertia of intention seeping out

like air from a balloon

or might and power out of a goblin

surprised by the rays from the morning sun

in old Nordic folklore

and The Tales of H. C. Andersen


The arrest of my day is a fait accompli;

the dispersing of my selfhood too;

the world becoming the strange event

that it really is


The estrangement frightens me

with its nameless certainty,

but when name and familiarity gushes back,

within the hour,

I may have gained a rare insight

into an open, “objective” sense of existence,

perhaps an approximation of the sensations of the deity

that the religious claim and uphold,

fleeing into the dusk of doom with no good excuse

and the collected human genome in a thimble


Yes, all explanations go outwards from our beings,

fashioned by how we are fashioned


Ask a beetle or a birch about worldviews!


No explanation ever arrives;

it is always delivered, made up on site,

which is what migraine auras can teach

from inside our brain tissue, full of stars,

say I, on the leeward of myself,

trying to remember


Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 121 times
Written on 2023-03-25 at 11:38

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