May 2023

It's been a while since the last entry and we are facing yet another transition in our lives together as a family. The changes before us are great ones. Last month was the first anniversary of my father's passing and the memorial service had brought about yet another finality of us having to grow up and be orphaned in our adulthood.

There is also the matter of possibility, the possibility of having to undergo a drastic lifestyle change as to leave us quite financially destitute. And the blurry windscreen needs quite an effective wiper to bring a better view of what is coming towards us. At times it feels like these are karmic consequences of the ineptitudes of my past self; consequences of quite a few bumbling moves that have not been quite thought out.

It has been said that with age comes wisdom. The pain that accompanies the process is usually left out of the conversation. And the fact that we feel no less wiser is also another rough and tumble ride to go through. Perhaps the next entry shall be a bit brighter and somewhat lighter. So here goes.

The flowers are not keeping as long as they did during the cooler months. It might be a harsh summer this year so there is no time to be unprepared.

Diary by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 103 times
Written on 2023-05-04 at 04:54

Tags Galateus  Crypticbard  Arkayye 

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