27.05.2019 10.15 am


Good Morning!

Sitting with you
I can't seem to
remember much else
Maybe, if you were
to ask my name
i would forget that
And if you were to
ask about yours
I would get up
to hold you
whisper it into your
So slowly and in a
muffled way
that you might
miss hearing it.
i want you to
feel that breath.
Breathe it in,
My love
Breathe air
Breathe me.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 83 times
Written on 2023-10-31 at 19:20

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
As you like to say, I say, "Oh!"

Another pure description of the paradise that loving often is. I love how simple your style is and the many ways to continue to make it YOU.

Your voice carries the poem, and then, in different parts, I am struck by sweet lines, especially:

Maybe, if you were
to ask my name
i would forget that