marketa steps out of the bath
i have come back from my run
am in the kitchen
having a cup of tea
with honey
it is sunday, seven-thirty
ante meridiem
down the hall i hear marketa step out of the bath
i hear the rattle of the towel bar
i hear the water drain
this is a serious moment, truly it is
in a way
life depends on it, i mean
life as a rich, blossoming, living, ever-changing entity—
a life-entity which must be nurtured
which depends upon this moment—
thus, in time
if marketa comes into the kitchen
dressed for the day
my heart will sink a bit, the life-entity
will ebb a bit
if, on the other hand, she comes into the kitchen
in her robe
here i dwell on the image
. . .
the life-entity seeks, reaches
for there is possibility
with possibility may come fruition
the life-entity will be sustained
so the life-entity smiles
that is to say
i smile
Poetry by one trick pony
Read 115 times
Written on 2023-11-05 at 14:32
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