A river. A moon. A lady. A loo. Breathe.

River Thames runs all the way to the calming loo

I saw the bends in you tonight
Thicks waves
I saw what that painter saw
The currents strong shiney and new
Bending around bodies in the bed deep deep below

I saw why Van Gough painted the way he did
Obessing over each stroke
A glisten that moved on through
Never seeing the same trickle twice

I looked to my left and saw St Pauls hidden, quiet and dark
Not a spot of light tonight
Only that of the moon and the retina burning glow of screens, heads down, moving, mimicking, mirroring the waters flow

Big Ben's glowing face caught me
I didn't even know
My city, born and bred here, huge and proud, problematic and cold

I feel forgiving tonight

I won't jump
I can not -say i haven't thought
A suggestion of surrounding
All too easy at times

I walked and i walked and ended up in a loo the only place i could find solace
I sat and sat but i did not poo it was the only place i found peace away away away from you
You, out of my mind when i looked up at the beige, possibly off white like the innards of an egg shell cradling me so
I reached out my arms
I palmed the cold calmy walls
Calming me gently
Now, breath slowing

Poetry by Holly Hawgood
Read 118 times
Written on 2024-02-12 at 01:14

Tags Thames  London  Paint 

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