She Speaks

You say
she speaks
but i would of course
like to know
if she is heard
and understood

You see
she has been speaking all this while
while you were busy making her
a goddess
the one full of mystery for you
for she is bountiful with energy
transmuting the cosmic
into ethereal
She could make it happen
for it is in her
that everything comes
She bears
the beginnings
not ordained by her.

you see
now you see her as someone who bears
and bears it all
that comes her way
or is thrown in her way
for you have denied her the agecy
the agency to choose
the agency to see it for it is
The language you speak
do not have the words and phrases
for her to think in and associate
these are yet to be born through her

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 130 times
Written on 2024-03-23 at 19:23

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
you may be writing about a woman
or you may be writing about women

either way—you speak for someone, and must wonder—are you being heard, is yours another voice in the wind?

you are heard, at least by one
and i'm sure by many more