the reading grids

yes, I must confess that
my last terrible prolific scribbles
haven't been poetic at all
most of the time, they have been
rants about social politics
with I hope a hint of fun
peppered with many syntax errors
but never take for granted
whatever I may have put
on the screen but better
reading it with a reading grid

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 72 times
Written on 2024-03-31 at 08:43

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
From the first scribbler on, all through time, political rants with hints of fun have been written. You carry on a great tradition, think Keats and Donne and Ginsberg and . . . on and on, not to mention the endless women who have written and been ignored.

See, that last bit I wrote, about women—that's my brief, but political rant.