The gateless Gate
"Transcendent knowledge is beyond thought, word, or description.
It neither arises nor ceases, like the identity of space.
It is the domain of individual, self-knowing wakefulness.
I salute this mother of the buddhas of the three times."
Shantarakshita, In praise of Prajnaparamita
The great gateless Gate
constantly here wonderfully clear
truly nearer than near
There is no need to struggle and seek
You already are the peak
Simply see
what you can only be
No matter what is coming and going
you are the silent knowing timelessly glowing
Stillness sings in true freedom prior to things
In the full knowing of the unstruck gong
nothing more is wrong
Taste this peace so full of ease
simply as it
Poetry by Nils Teodor
Read 100 times
Written on 2024-04-06 at 13:24
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