One Day

One day
i am going to run away
thats what i always keep on dreaming about
to run away
to disappear
and just go

Its been the conduct rules all this while
which hold me back
from running away
from anything

Like Sun
i like to get up
and go to work place and retreat in evening post the sunset
And shine all day long
i like it that way
always there
in that room
all by myself
doing my work
on my desk
but there

i have always liked the predictability of it
of me being there
its as if i was holding on to myself
to somehow
to ged rid of the wish to run away

but i know
its there
and one day i will.

in the mean time
i play- getting lost
lost in thoughts
lost in time
lost to myself

and sometimes
i like to forget my way in a big park
to not know the exit path

its a nice feeling
to be somehow lost.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 247 times
Written on 2024-05-13 at 18:01

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MIRZA AHMER BEG The PoetBay support member heart!
I feel poets sometimes like to disappear from cacophony ,,🙂nice one

I am in that mood sometimes too
glad to feel not alone