i know you are intelligentto have given me
this writing prompt
i could have given it a miss
i know
and remained true to the topic
but i wanted to write
to go down the lane
hand in hand with words
to go visit unknown places
with these familiar words
so here i am
to tell the tales of my procrastination
because i want to give myself time
my time
and there is no way
i am letting anything or anyone
come in my way
of devoting
my time to myself
unless ofcourse
i'd prefer it that way.
and i must also tell you this
that procrastination does not happen in vacuum
when i have nothing to do
because then nothing gets done
not even procastination.
Procrastination happens
when there is so much to do
that i cannot decide
which one to do first
and its exactly then
i get ready to go for a walk
but serf instead
and sign off with a poem.
I call it meandering.
Poetry by Sona
Read 166 times
Written on 2024-05-14 at 20:43
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