Vote Fascist or Lose Everything!

Keep your eye out for those boogeymen, my friend.
They out there somewhere.  They'll be seen:
The hordes of thugs who roam our streets; okay, not
Ours, but those nearby; the immigrants who'll steal
Your job; it's said that happens all the time; the people
Who vote more than once or shouldn't even get to vote,
And steal elections; no one's seen them do it, but we're
Sure they have.  These boogeymen, and others, too,
The welfare cheats, and undeserving people with dark
Skin and women, who advance instead of you, are near.
We must stay on our guard.  Otherwise, we'll see our
World transformed into hell.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 63 times
Written on 2024-09-09 at 15:22

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
-I tell the professors teaching in slums: how many students did you save from poverty?
-it was none of my business, I was here to teach then accounting

IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Yeah, your words made me wince as I do whenever a character like that is around me. You depict him/her devastatingly well in this, bien sūr. It also made me think it must be so stressful to live like that... eesh.